National Bank of Abu Dhabi


United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

500 Employees or more


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 1000

National Bank of Abu Dhabi hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of National Bank of Abu Dhabi's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Zayed university
  • Higher colleges of technology
  • Ain shams university
  • Cairo university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • accounting
  • finance
  • business administration
  • commerce

Many of National Bank of Abu Dhabi’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at National Bank of Abu Dhabi for this job role are:

Do you have these skills? Update your CV!

Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at National Bank of Abu Dhabi have the below job roles:

Accounting and Auditing Banking Customer Service and Call Center Administration Sales Management
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Learn about National Bank of Abu Dhabi

About National Bank of Abu Dhabi

NBAD is the leading bank in the Middle East and one of the safest banks in the world. Our roots in Abu Dhabi give us a deep understanding of the dynamics of the Arab region and its connection to the world’s markets. And we aim to become the number one bank for anyone who wants to do business along the West-East Corridor.We take a long term view and we want our customers to be with us for a long time, advising them in the biggest corporate deals and the smallest personal transactions, side by side in good times and bad. We are always seeking to raise the bar, to set new standards of governance and integrity, expand internationally and compete at the highest levels. We are an integral part of the UAE’s past and are playing a crucial role in its future. We are proud of our role in the society: from helping people manage their money to facilitating trade and investment. We take capital from today and deploy it effectively for tomorrow. So, we are well placed to provide sustainable livelihoods and ensure a healthy environment for the next generation. Our HeritageNBAD is rich in heritage. The Bank was founded in 1968 by a decree of the Late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founder of the UAE.We are the among the World's Safest BanksSince 2009, NBAD has been ranked one of the World's 50 Safest Banks by Global Finance magazine, which also ranked NBAD the Safest Bank in the Emerging Markets and Middle East.Strongest combined ratingsNBAD is rated senior long/short term AA-/A-1+ by S&P, Aa3/P1 by Moody’s, AA-/F1+ by Fitch, A+ by R&I Japan and AAA by RAM Malaysia, giving it one of the strongest combined rating of any global financial institution. NBAD is in 18 countries across five continents.


To be recognised as the World’s Best Arab Bank.


Be core to our chosen customers, helping them grow by providing exceptional products and services across our West – East Corridor and provide an environment to attract and develop exceptional and diverse talent.