Nestlé - Other locations



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Currently employed at this company: 231

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Nestlé - Other locations have the below job roles:

Sales Customer Service and Call Center Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing Administration Information Technology Cleaning Services
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Mostafa abdelnabi Mohamed omar Omar

Key Account Sales Executive

Servesh Srinivasan

Electrical Automation Engineer

Antoine Wassef

Medical field Supervisor

nair ali

Sales Representative

Dhanushka Chathuranga

Machine Operator

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Learn about Nestlé - Other locations

About Nestlé - Other locations

COMPANY PROFILE: Nestlé has the broadest brand and product portfolio of any food company in the world. It is a human company responding to individual human needs throughout all stages of life, from good nourishment via its infant milk products to enjoyment and pleasure through its confectionery and ice cream brands. Nestlé Egypt was established in 1988, and today it has 2 factories and 6 regional distribution centers. The company is packing NESCAFÉ instant coffee and NIDO powder milk, in addition to the fully manufactured products such as Nestlé Ice Cream, Dolce Ice Cream, CERELAC and MAGGI. Nestlé NEAR employs around 2300 permanent Employees and during the summer time, extra 700 seasonal workers. Special attention is given to competency-based recruitment, motivation and retention of high caliber personnel through: • Careful selection of candidates based upon professional ability and personal qualities without any form of discrimination. • Providing excellent working conditions, competitive salaries and benefits, investing in the development of staff through local and overseas training. • Supporting frank and direct communication within the company and reinforcing team spirit. • Encouraging employee involvement in decision-making. • Providing open career paths based on equal opportunity and merit.