IT Services

Jordan - Amman

100-499 Employees

4K+ Followers

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Currently employed at this company: 180

OPTIMIZA hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of OPTIMIZA's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • University of jordan
  • Jordan university of science and technology
  • Applied science university
  • Yarmouk university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • computer science
  • computer engineering
  • computer information system
  • industrial engineering

Many of OPTIMIZA’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Most common skills at OPTIMIZA for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at OPTIMIZA have the below job roles:

Information Technology Engineering Support Services Sales Safety Translation
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Firas Abu Saif

product development manager

Mohammad Fakhri Awwadeen

Product Line Manager

Haitham Kurdi

HIS Project Manager

khaled Tobaishat

Software Implementation Engineer

fadi lafi

Oracle Support Team Leader

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Learn about OPTIMIZA


Al-Faris National Investment Group, Operating under the trade name of Optimiza, is a leading publicly-listed ICT Systems Integrator in the MENA region (reference in the Jordan stock market ASE:CEBC) Optimiza offers fully integrated solutions and services in the four main areas of consulting, technology, outsourcing and training. We cater to the needs of multiple sectors including healthcare, telecommunication, banking, government, education, and the business sector. Optimiza is a one-stop-shop for organizations seeking turn-key solutions and best practices in ICT systems and infrastructure, aiming to achieve overall performance improvement, business growth and operational excellence. Proudly, we are one of the largest Systems’ Integrators in the region with over 30 years of experience, services extended to several of the largest organizations, and the delivery of complex projects by our 250 highly competent employees. Currently, we operate offices in Jordan (headquarter), United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Morocco. Our partnership network extends to every major city in the region, enabling us to provide highly localized products. Our operations and solutions divide into four major units: Business, Infrastructure, Intellectual Property, and Healthcare. In addition, Optimiza has launched its Low Current Systems Integration arm, “Mega Projects Unit” to respond to the increasing technological needs of large scale construction projects. To continue to run our processes with excellence, we were keen to become the first Jordanian CMMI L-3 company: Capability Maturity Model Integration, a process improvement approach & framework.


To be the most dynamic, systematic and capable management consulting and technology solutions partner of choice in our targeted markets.


To enable excellence by providing our clients with optimal, innovative and reliable solutions and services.