King AbdulAziz University

Primary, Prep, & Secondary School

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

500 Employees or more

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assistant professor


english teacher


senior project manager


associate professor


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Currently employed at this company: 938

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  • King abdulaziz university
  • جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
  • King abdul-aziz university
  • King abdul aziz university

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  • computer science
  • information technology
  • business administration
  • industrial engineering

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Teaching and Academics Administration Information Technology Engineering Research and Development Management
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أحمد الزينى محمد abdelaal

رئيس قسم التصميم الميكانيكي

Nisar Ahmed

SAP ABAP Consultant

Mohammed Alghamdi

Associate professor of engineering and environmental geology

Eyad Sawan

English Language Instructor

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Learn about King AbdulAziz University

About King AbdulAziz University

Woman education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia received ample amount of care and attention that allowed it to proceed forward in confident steps to achieve its aspirations and show excellence in different fields, and in a way that enhances its remarkable emergence not on the local level only but even on the international level. We find examples of note-worthy cultured Saudi women, who are experts and scholars and their names are mentioned in international forums and fields of knowledge. This proves that in terms of success and worthiness, they are on an equal footing with their counterparts in other advanced countries. Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University is considered one of the fruits of the care and attention provided to higher education for woman. Interest in woman education has started earlier when the General Presidency for Girls' Education established the first College of Education for Girls in the year 1390 H corresponding to 1970. Then colleges were inaugurated in succession until their number reached 102 colleges, including university, intermediate and community colleges distributed in 72 Saudi cities and they comprise 600,000 female students. In Riyadh city alone there were six colleges. They were: Faculty of Education, Literary Sections- College of Education - Scientific Sections, Faculty of Education-Teacher Preparation, College of Social Work, College of Education: Home Economics- College of Arts. In the year 1427 H the Royal Order was issued establishing the first University College for Girls under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education. It comprised the six colleges in Riyadh after re-structuring them as well as setting up a number of new colleges that serve the development process in the Kingdom. The university was activated in the year 1428H with the appointment of the first rector, Her Excellency Dr. Al Jawhara Bint Fahad Al Saud.


تسعى جامعة الأميرة نورة بنت عبد الرحمن إلى تحقيق التميز والريادة محليًا وإقليميًا وعالميًا في مجال التعليم الجامعيّ والبحث العلميّ وخدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة وبناء مجتمع المعرفة في إطار من القيم الإسلامية والثقافية والإجتماعية للمجتمع وبما يسهم في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة.