
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

50-99 Employees


Salaries at Roche

Company Salary Range

Monthly Salary Range

key account manager


hr director


key account manager


product specialist


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 109

Many of Roche's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Kfupm
  • Alexandria university
  • King saud university
  • University of jordan

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • pharmacy
  • marketing
  • pharmaceutical sciences
  • mba

Many of Roche’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at Roche for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Roche have the below job roles:

Marketing and PR Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing Information Technology Accounting and Auditing Sales
Find entry level jobs
Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Muhammad Zubair Ayyub

Marketing Manager

Muath Zghool

Breast Cancer Squad Lead – Levant

Mohamed El Zohiery

Commercial Director

Mohammad Reza Golmohammadi

Regulatory Affairs Manager

m gamal badawy

medical educator

View all

Learn about Roche

About Roche

Roche is a leading healthcare company based in Switzerland with a history of more than 100 years in the discovery, development, production and marketing of cost-effective prescription drugs of high quality. Many of them represent true breakthroughs in combating human diseases. Innovative medicines have always been the base for best possible therapy. In the future, new approaches in discovering the causes of disease will bring about even more novel healthcare solutions to help answer unmet medical needs. We currently focus on the following areas in which we provide a large range of therapeutic options: Anaemia, Cardiovascular diseases, Central nervous system, Dermatology, Infectious diseases, Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, Metabolic disorders, Oncology, Respiratory diseases, Transplantation, and Virology. This Web Site aims to provide up-to-date information on Roche healthcare solutions to the large number of Arabic speaking people in the Middle East and Africa. It is addressed to patients, physicians, pharmacists, nurses and all others who would like to know about our products, and reflects our commitment to contribute to improving health and quality of life in the Arab-speaking world. Thank you for visiting this Site and for your interest in Roche products.