Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic


Saudi Arabia

100-499 Employees


Salaries at Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic

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Monthly Salary Range

senior sales manager


operations manager


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Currently employed at this company: 1000

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic hires employees from the below companies often:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic have the below job roles:

Engineering Information Technology Accounting and Auditing Purchasing and Procurement Management Teaching and Academics
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Akbar ali khan

Sr.Design Analyst

Huzaiffa Warorawalla

Sr. Financial Analyst

Ahmad Al-Mutawa

Lead Engineer, System Application

Fahad ALHarthi

Global chemicals Supply chain Manager (Marine, Storage and Land transportation)

Abdullah Al-Harbi

Senior Manager

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Learn about Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic

About Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic

SABIC’s creation by royal decree in September 1976 was a bold step for a developing country. It marked a move into using the by-products of oil extraction to produce value-added commodities – such as chemicals, polymers and fertilizers – for export. These commodities were also intended to create new industries, helping Saudi Arabia to diversify and to develop.