Saudi Snack Foods - Pepsico


Saudi Arabia

500 Employees or more

1K+ Followers

Salaries at Saudi Snack Foods - Pepsico

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plant manager


sales manager


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Currently employed at this company: 132

Saudi Snack Foods - Pepsico hires employees from the below companies often:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Saudi Snack Foods - Pepsico have the below job roles:

Sales Quality Control Research and Development Finance and Investment Logistics and Transportation Accounting and Auditing
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

samira  Ibrahim
samira Ibrahim

مساعد موارد بشرية


مشغل مكينة

Alaa Hajeb

منسق تخليص جمركي

nael zidan

مندوب ميني ماركت

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Learn about Saudi Snack Foods - Pepsico

About Saudi Snack Foods - Pepsico

Saudi Snack Foods Company is part of the PepsiCo International family and it s major brands are Lays, Cheetos, & Quavers in addition to the local Tasali brand. SSFL is a market leader in the GCC and provides employment to more than 2000 persons across the GCC. Due to rapid market growth and expansion there are a number of employment opportunities. SSFL as part of the PEPSICO system provides significant career opportunities and invests heavily in its People agenda