Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company - Luberef

Oil & Gas

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

500 Employees or more

2K+ Followers

Salaries at Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company - Luberef

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maintenance planner




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Currently employed at this company: 121

Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company - Luberef hires employees from the below companies often:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company - Luberef have the below job roles:

Engineering Administration Information Technology Other Purchasing and Procurement Oil and Gas
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Saeed Al Nahdi

Production Planning Engineer

Ahmed Albishri

Marketing Analyst

rafat alsrouji

Production Planning Supervisor

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Learn about Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company - Luberef

About Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company - Luberef

Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company (Luberef) is one of the world’s leading supplier of High-Quality Base Oil to all major oil companies operating in the kingdom and for other international oil companies in different regions such as GCC countries, Middle East and East Africa. Luberef strategic location, consistent quality, proper grade mix, and supply reliability provide supply chain efficiencies to customers.


To be the premiere to quartile world class base oil producer and supplier.


To achieve excellence in production and marketing of base oil and speciality products.