Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic


Saudi Arabia - Eastern Province

500 Employees or more


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senior sales manager


operations manager


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Currently employed at this company: 916

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic have the below job roles:

Information Technology Engineering Administration Maintenance, Repair, and Technician Oil and Gas Mechanical Engineering
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

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Abdullah Al-Harbi

Senior Manager

ibrahim abdullah

Process safety engineer


Lead Mechanical Engineer

Mohammed Irfanullah

Opentext consultant


Specialist Project Performance

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Learn about Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic

About Saudi Basic Industries Corporation - Sabic

SABIC was established in 1976 to add value to Saudi Arabia's natural hydrocarbon resources. Today we are among the leading international petrochemical companies in terms of sales and product diversity. Headquartered in Riyadh, we are also the Middle East's largest non-oil industrial company. Our businesses are grouped into five core sectors: Basic Chemicals, Intermediates, Polymers, Fertilizers and Metals. Each sector consists of several Strategic Business Units (SBUs) that are entirely dedicated to the customers they serve. Our manufacturing network in Saudi Arabia consists of 18 world-scale industrial complexes operated by 16 affiliates. Most of these affiliates are based in Jubail Industrial City on the Arabian Gulf. Two are located in Yanbu Industrial City on the Red Sea and one in the Eastern Province city of Dammam. We are also partners in three regional ventures based in Bahrain. The vision that led to our creation was closely associated with the aspirations of Saudi Arabia as a developing nation. We continue to play an important role in achieving some of those aspirations, including the development of the country's human resources. We are also committed to Saudi social and cultural values and international business and environmental standards. SABIC is owned by the Saudi Government (70%) and the private sector (30%). Private sector shareholders are from Saudi Arabia and other countries of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).