SBT Japan

Automotive Dealership & Distributor

Pakistan - Karachi

100-499 Employees


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Currently employed at this company: 127

SBT Japan hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of SBT Japan's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • University of karachi
  • Iqra university
  • Szabist
  • Karachi university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • marketing
  • commerce
  • finance
  • computer science

Many of SBT Japan’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Most common skills at SBT Japan for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at SBT Japan have the below job roles:

Sales Customer Service and Call Center Marketing and PR Management Logistics and Transportation Administration
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Abdullah Siddiqui

Deputy Manager Collection

Rizwan Masood

Manager Recruitment

Ahsan Ali Khan

Business Development Executive

Imran Ahmed Khan

Senior Software Engineer

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Learn about SBT Japan

About SBT Japan

What we are: SBT is one of the leading automobile trading companies whose headquarter is located in Yokohama, Japan. Each and every automobile in our great stock is purchased after careful appraisal and inspection in Japan, South Korea, United States, UK, or Germany by our discerning and experienced buyers, so any automobile that we have can be your best choice. Once a customer buys our automobile, it is sent to the customer in the shortest time possible through our smooth and prompt procedures. We are now operating our foreign offices in 15 countries to provide our proud services globally. Since our first entry into the market, we have been growing with innovative ideas, improved technologies, and solid systems. Our customers can select cars by using our powerful search engine from our stock. We have sales offices around the world and 24/7/365 customer service centers to assist your purchasing procedures. We are always beyond your screen to help you! SBT also let registered customers participate in automobile auctions, where you may find your favorite. Our discerning and experienced buyers can bid for your selection in place of you. We perform thorough inspection for each automobile, so you never have to worry the quality and condition of the automobile, and will be surely satisfied with your automobile. We never stop making efforts for providing our customers with better services, and keep pursuing higher customer satisfaction!


Our Vision: With the growth of developing countries and increased awareness of resource saving, the needs for used automobiles have been and will be becoming greater and greater. Our worldwide services will assist and promote your business according to the global trend.


Our Mission: To continuously provide better service to our customers all around the world, and pursue customer satisfaction with constant efforts and passion in used automobile industry.