Tata Consultancy Services - Other locations

Business Consultancy Services

Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

500 Employees or more


23K+ Followers

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Currently employed at this company: 1000

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Most entry-level professionals at Tata Consultancy Services - Other locations have the below job roles:

Information Technology Accounting and Auditing Banking Engineering Human Resources and Recruitment Administration
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

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Learn about Tata Consultancy Services - Other locations

About Tata Consultancy Services - Other locations

TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) is a global leader in providing information technology services, consulting, and digital and business solutions to large enterprises through its unique Global Network Delivery Model™, recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. We operate on a global scale, with diverse talent base of over 424,285 associates (including subsidiaries) representing 147 nationalities, across 46 countries as of 31-Mar-2019. We are one of the largest employers of women with 35.9% women employees. We have been recognized as a Global Top Employer by the Top Employers Institute - one of eight organizations worldwide to have achieved this status. In its assessment of 1,072 companies worldwide in 2016, the Top Employers Institute rated TCS as an exceptional performer across nine core Human Resources (HR) areas: talent strategy, workforce planning, on-boarding, learning and development, performance management, leadership development, career and succession management, compensation and benefits and company culture. Today, we are building a hyper-connected organization using internal social platforms to ensure extensive collaboration and engagement among our employees. This acts as a critical driver of competitive advantage among the 82% digital natives in our employee base. Our ability to provide holistic long term careers based on continuous learning driven by our anytime, anywhere, any device digital learning ecosystem helps us attract and develop the best talent. Our ability to create an ‘experience’ for our employees have helped us consistently have the highest retention rates in our industry globally. Learn more about careers and opportunities at TCS. Founded in 1968 as part of the Tata group, TCS is headquartered in Mumbai, India and is a public limited company, listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and BSE Ltd. (Bombay Stock Exchange) in India


TCS’ vision is to decouple business growth and ecological footprint from its operations to address the environment bottom-line.From green buildings to green IT to a green supply chain, our mantra is to grow sustainably and help our customers achieve sustainable growth and service offerings


Our mission is to help customers achieve their business objectives by providing innovative, best-in-class consulting, IT solutions and services and to make it a joy for all stakeholders to work with us.