United Bank Limited



100-499 Employees



Salaries at United Bank Limited

Company Salary Range

Monthly Salary Range

head of operations


financial controller


credit manager


Employee Insights

Intelligence Generated by Bayt.com

Currently employed at this company: 1000

United Bank Limited hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of United Bank Limited's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • University of karachi
  • Karachi university
  • Punjab university
  • University of the punjab

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • finance
  • commerce
  • marketing
  • computer science

Many of United Bank Limited’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at United Bank Limited for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at United Bank Limited have the below job roles:

Accounting and Auditing Customer Service and Call Center Banking Sales Management Marketing and PR
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Fawad Mufti

Business Resilience Manager

Syed Asif Iqbal

VP - Head Technology Operations, QA, PMO

waheed malik

branch manager

Shahzad Suleman

Sales and Service Officer

haseeb yaseen

Branch Manager

View all

Learn about United Bank Limited

About United Bank Limited

United Bank Limited is one of the largest commercials banks in Pakistan with over 1000 branches nationwide and a customer base of more than 3.5 million. The CORPORATE BANK continues to be a key business area for the franchise, providing multi-pronged services to both Corporate and Financial Institution customers. The Corporate Bank in pursuit of its 'house bank' strategy has been quite successful in building up well-entrenched relationships and a strong market presence during 2004. The CONSUMER BANK has successfully launched a series of products in the year 2004 such as UBL Wallet-the ATM/Debit card, UBL Drive-car financing, UBL Address-home financing, You First Net Banking-its online banking service, UBL Cashline-personal financing and UBL Business line-business financing. The COMMERCIAL BANK has not only tackled shrinking spreads and stiffer competition, but has also delivered an increase in total deposits and has doubled the commercial lending portfolio. It posted a massive profit of Rs. 4.5 billion and declared a dividend of 22.5% after nearly a decade in 2003. It has also to its credit the first complete drive-through branch in Pakistan. The TREASURY & CAPITAL MARKETS GROUP, which not only is a primary dealer in Government securities, but also competes effectively with local and international banks, in areas as diverse as fixed income and Forex sales & trading, derivatives and structured products. It has also pioneered the first Rupee based derivative transaction in Pakistan and established a dedicated Equities Trading Desk. The INVESTMENT BANK GROUP is involved in several high profile and profitable transactions, including Pakistan's first listed and rated Asset Backed Securitization TFC. Post privatization in 2002, UBL has emerged to be one of Pakistan's most dynamic and aggressive financial institutions with its customer-centric philosophy of becoming a world-class bank where YOU COME FIRST.