United Group


Saudi Arabia - Khobar

500 Employees or more



Salaries at United Group

Company Salary Range

Monthly Salary Range

area sales manager


managing director


group general manager


Employee Insights

Intelligence Generated by Bayt.com

Currently employed at this company: 172

Many of United Group's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Tanta university
  • Cairo university
  • Ain shams university
  • Alexandria university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • accounting
  • computer science
  • commerce
  • business administration

Many of United Group’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at United Group for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at United Group have the below job roles:

Accounting and Auditing Sales Engineering Electrical Engineering Marketing and PR Management
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Mohamed Samer rady

Regional Sales Manager

Elias Sleiman

Branch Manager

Afroz Chishti

Real Estate Sales Manager

Mohamed EL-Tehewy

Safety Engineer

bassam awad

branch controller

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Learn about United Group

About United Group

The United Group was born in 1972 with the establishment of the United Trading Corporation (UTC). Our founder, Mr. Khalid Hajj started the company modestly with a handful of employees and became active in the import and distribution of food products to the retail and wholesale markets. In 1984, the establishment of United Food Industries Corp. (UFIC) added a vital processing and packaging dimension to the operation. The UTC and UFIC businesses grew and new distribution areas and customers were developed. In 1992 a major expansion to the UFIC business took place, when a processed cheese manufacturing line was established in association with and under the technical guidance of Schreiber Foods of Wisconsin, USA. In 1997 a new company was added to the Group. United Food Services (UFS) was established and was awarded the exclusive responsibility as the McDonald's Distribution Center for Saudi Arabia. In 2001 expansion into the development of restaurant concepts commenced under a new company called United Restaurants Development Co. (Currently Cravia). Over the last 5 years aggressive growth and expansion has taken place across all operating companies. The most significant and fundamental development within the Group took place in 2005 when UFIC took in Lactalis as a majority partner. Lactalis, the largest cheese manufacturer in Europe, and the 2nd largest worldwide, brought an international and influential feature to the Group.