
Internet & E-commerce


500 Employees or more


Salaries at Zomato

Company Salary Range

Monthly Salary Range

sales manager


finance manager


senior manager


key account manager


Employee Insights

Intelligence Generated by Bayt.com

Currently employed at this company: 243

Zomato hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Zomato's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • University of delhi
  • University of mumbai
  • University of wollongong in dubai
  • Delhi university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • marketing
  • business administration
  • commerce
  • computer science

Many of Zomato’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Most common skills at Zomato for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Zomato have the below job roles:

Sales Logistics and Transportation Marketing and PR Hospitality and Tourism Support Services Customer Service and Call Center
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Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Bechara Haddad

Country Manager

Sydney Collins

Account Manager

Ahamed Afzal

Sales Consultant

Ganesh Rao

Key Account Manager

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Learn about Zomato

About Zomato

Company Profile: Zomato Zomato is an online and mobile restaurant discovery service providing in-depth information of restaurants, started in Delhi by IIT Delhi alumni, Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah, and has since expanded its services in 41 cities across 12 countries. Fuelled with the recent round of funding from Info Edge and Sequoia Capital in November 2013, Zomato plans to enter 22 new countries over the next 2 years. The target markets include the Americas, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Zomato's core content features include menus, photos and geocoded coordinates for restaurants. Other community features include reviews, ratings and the ability to follow other users' recommendations on Zomato. Zomato, then known as Foodiebay, was launched in July 2008 with information for 1200 restaurants in Delhi NCR. Today, Zomato provides information for over 206,500 restaurants and adds value on a daily basis to two sets of people - users, and clients. Zomato sees over 15 million users every month across its web and mobile platforms. Most of these are young working professionals falling in the high disposable income bracket, looking for a place to dine out or order in from. With key data points such as menus, business hours, contact details, user ratings and reviews easily available, users are able to make an informed decision before going out or ordering in. An additional social layer also builds interaction between users, allowing them to send and receive restaurants recommendations, and also discover new ones in the process. The website and apps (available across all major smartphone platforms) are available free of charge. At present, over 2500 restaurants advertise on Zomato all of which have seen a measurable growth in their business.


At Zomato, we are trying to change the world, one plate at a time. Come join us and serve the cause.