Quitting Time or Not?

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“I can’t drag myself out of bed in the morning!! This day is never going to end!! My boss just hates me!!” are common statements you sometimes (or often) hear yourself, your colleagues, friends or family say!!
How do you, however, know if these statements are critical enough for you to take action??
We, at Bayt.com, have formulated the following quiz to help you decide whether your job is one to hang onto or whether its time for you to say adieu and seek greener pastures!

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Fri 22-Apr-2016 15:02 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
2. Idrees haroon yahya Siyamشكرا كثيرا لبيت دوت كوم لقد استفدن منه في تغيير بعض المفاهيم
Mon 14-Dec-2015 06:18 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
3. mohamed sherifتغير الوظيفة للأفضل مطلوب دائما
Sat 11-Jul-2015 09:35 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
4. محمد محمد الشربيني السيد حسين حسيناحتاج بشدة الى تغيير الوظيفة نظرا لطموحى الشديد فى الرقى بنفسى ماديا ومهنيا
Thu 02-Apr-2015 21:45 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
5. ShaikhPretty fair questions but the scenario may not be the same all the time. The option "Check my answer" gives a relative possibility of what it could be but doesn't comply with what the reason is an employee wants to leave a job. Being under gauged with the task you perform is another level of quitting a job besides the growth opportunity
Tue 30-Dec-2014 08:44 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
6. Mohamad Jihad Ahmad Mahmood Aboshaqraلابد من تغيير الوظيفة اذا وقفت عند حد لا يمكن تطويرك
Wed 19-Nov-2014 08:19 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
7. ZIENAB JUMAHMost of answers were false .. It is time to change !!!
Sat 23-Aug-2014 01:08 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
8. KᕼᗩᒪIᗪ ᗩᒪKᕼᗩᒪᗩᖴأعتقد في وجه نظري المتواضح انه السبب يرجع الي الروتينه وعدم وجه عمل يستطيع تطويره مما ادى الي وجوده حاله نفسيه سيئه سبب كره الي العمل او الذهاب إليه
Sun 08-Jun-2014 07:59 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
9. أحمد عبدالصبورحياة الأنسان مليئة بالتجارب فى النجاح والفشل وهنا النجاح والفشل ليس بالضرورة المتسبب فيهم الموظف ولكن من الممكن أن تكون طبيعة العمل الروتينية العقيمة وراء هذا الفشل فالموظف الواثق من أنه من الممكن أن ينجح فى وظيفة أخرى يبحث عن البديل فوراً ولا يجلس ويستمر فى مكان لم ولن ينجح فية
Wed 04-Jun-2014 22:36 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
10. Ahmed MkAhmed As a professional your need stream of experience with different dynamism in the area of challenges to enable you competitive advantage. Therefore, changing job is part of experience gathering in the world of work. So Bayt,..... we need you for experience gathering
Wed 02-Apr-2014 14:57 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
11. AYMAN ABOU EL WAFW FARRAGبارك الله فيكم جميعا كل الشكر والتقدير بنية خالصة لله سبحانه وتعالى لموقع بيت. كوم على اختبارات السيرة الذاتية ضياء رشاد حسن
Tue 28-Jan-2014 20:06 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
12. SalwaMy problem is i do not know what i want anymore
Sun 20-Oct-2013 05:52 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
13. Hidayatulla Shaiki believe to work in a professional atmosphere not in a political atmosphere, where people praise you for there needs. and a management with brains.
Sun 31-Mar-2013 16:49 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
14. Amit BansalPeople don''t leave an organization they leave their managers.
Thu 18-Oct-2012 06:15 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
15. Mohamed Fahmy Arafaالتغيير من الأمور الهامة والحيوية فى حياتنا العملية .. تغيير الوظيفة بالترقى لمستوى أعلى داخل منظومة العمل أو التغيير لوظيفة أفضل تلبى طموح و إحتياجات الفرد تؤثر على دوافع الشخص الإيجابية و العطاء تجاه العمل .. عكس التراخى و السلبية و الملل لروتين عمل ثايت غير متطور يؤثر بالسلب على العمل.
Mon 23-Apr-2012 17:08 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
16. Sarah Salyاحيانا يكون الانسان مظطر للبحث على عمل اخر حتى لو تغرب فى بلد اخر على كل حال اشكركم جزيل الشكر
Sun 25-Dec-2011 11:34 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
17. عبدالخالق محمود alsalmaniترك الوظيفة مسألة تتعلق بالشخص نفسه أولا وتتأثر بامور عديدة وكل انسان له نظرة تختلف عن غيره .... لكن برأيي ان العمل بوظيفة مع صعوبات خير من ترك الوظيفة مباشرة يعني تحمل الوظيفة الحالية لحين وجود البديل .. هذا ما لم يكن الموضوع حساسا وله تأثير على معيشة الشخص او نفسيته
Tue 24-May-2011 07:21 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
18. OseghaeGreat assessment! but most people are not happy with the job but are ok with the salary. The other only option would be to be jobless that why most people endure the job, and you need to survive. How does one get another option that''s a job or a business venture? OO, Nigeria.
Sat 27-Nov-2010 10:15 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
19. محمد صبري سالم مدبولي مدبوليشاكرين لكم جهودكم المذهلة ادام الله بقاؤكم / محمد صبري ( ابو ابراهيم )
Thu 25-Mar-2010 00:11 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
20. محمد صبري سالم مدبولي مدبوليجزيل الشكر لبيت كوم علي مجهوداته الرائعة لخدمة شباب المستقبل وجعله الله في ميزان حسناتهم واعانهم علي تقدين يد المسانده للمحتاجين للعمل وكسب ثوتهم / محمد صبري مدبولي ( ابو ابراهيم )
Thu 25-Mar-2010 00:09 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
21. Joseph TatyamaAll the questions in this assessment are truthful..! I believe they are a stimulus for seeking something worthwhile. Long live Bayt !!!
Sat 12-Dec-2009 19:21 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
22. rabih zeingood assessment. though if it was graded, it would be better. some ppl are happy with their salaries and not with work environment, others have the opposite... i beleive age and marital status should be taken into consideration... all in all, good assessment...
Sun 09-Aug-2009 12:16 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
23. mohamed aboalalaجزاكم الله خير الجزاء وجعله في ميزان حسناتكم
Mon 20-Jul-2009 01:17 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
24. Rani Narendra BabuI really need a break from my present job (working with the comapny for more than 5 years) and want to look out for a better aspiring opportunity that would help me apply my knowledge and training and experience acquired. I would like to get into the managerial level in my next job.
Mon 06-Jul-2009 20:40 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
25. Raufthis assisment gives you a think about the understanding the things, actual facts and figures and also it is very helpful to understand the relation ships between employee and employer
Fri 03-Jul-2009 12:27 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
26. نرمين خليفةthanks bayt for your good opinions & i hope all the job seekers to visit this link and i say to all peoples whose are not feel good to thier jobs to try to find one which look like the job of their dreams thanks again eng.nermien khalifa
Mon 29-Jun-2009 16:38 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
27. JonesThis assessment is very helpful in evaluating whether one has to stay or leave his/her job considering the given situation. Most superiors and collegues affect our performance. That is why, It is important that we know our job and ourselves. Being happy for your job and craftmanship is the most important factor whether to move out or not.
Thu 25-Jun-2009 09:40 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
28. Diaa Rashad Hassanكل الشكر والتقدير بنية خالصة لله سبحانه وتعالى لموقع بيت. كوم على اختبارات السيرة الذاتية ضياء رشاد حسن
Tue 19-May-2009 19:57 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
29. Veronica ReyesQuitting is not always the main reason of changing jobs. I believe it''s more of a career advancement. Even when you''re in a comfortable job and can exercise freedom, when there is no more room for growth and self development, you will still think twice whether to hang on the job or seek a greener pastures. It all depends upon your set of priorities.
Thu 30-Apr-2009 10:43 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
30. Kashif Ul HasanWorking in an professional enviroment not only enahance your abilities at the same time it gives you room to encounter daily obstacles and caliber to solve it. Many bosses thinks they are managers by birth and pretends to know much better than his subordinates and this leaves the employee getting upset though he owes a far better realtime experience than his manager.
Wed 29-Apr-2009 13:24 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
31. Marco Antonio Carreno"If my boss hates me it''s coz im doing something that makes it happen" "There''s nothing better than to talk and make things clear enough for all parties" Thanks Bayt for all your tips on this and other related subjects. Mr Marco A Carreno Kuwait
Mon 20-Apr-2009 11:09 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
32. Yazan QuandourI think I need a change every now and then, and perhaps it is prime time now.
Wed 15-Apr-2009 08:19 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
33. RanaI really appreciate what I''m doing at the moment and enjoying it at the same time, and if i have the chance to change anything it will be my superiors and their de-motivating attitude that they adopt with their co-workers.
Sun 14-Dec-2008 16:52 PM - Report Inappropriate Comment
34. Amit Mehraits all depands upon circumstances, situations and luck
Sun 30-Nov-2008 05:19 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
35. Sam SeadaI believe to stay in one company and work hard and be creative and motivated will assist me to have higher position within the company and create stability feeling which will assist me and the company to have better results, besides that it will give me the green light to represent the company in a good way , jumping between jobs and companies is not the correct answer, I do believe in team work
Thu 13-Nov-2008 09:43 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
36. maria naderTrue Dina - people tend to leave bad bosses not bad jobs! Poor line management is a big reason many people leave their jobs. Bayt ran some polls about that I remember a while ago.
Wed 15-Oct-2008 05:07 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
37. Ala' (Yasin Abuhijleh)I believe changing the job, just for having a problematic boss is not right! it''s just that we personalize issues. I mean after all, if your boss hates you, then it''s his problem not yours! so if your happy with your work, then why to leave it for him! I would change my career only for a better position and career advancement opportunity.
Tue 07-Oct-2008 07:25 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
38. Dina KobeissiGuys, the boss issue is the number one reason for anyone to change jobs. Then comes the advancements and career expansion issues. I simply want to leave my great job because i can''t seem to agree with my boss on ANYTHING. it''s driving me crazy
Sun 05-Oct-2008 09:18 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment
39. maria naderI don''t think of changing jobs as ''quitting'' I think of it as moving on to better things. Thats what we need you for Bayt!!!!!
Mon 29-Sep-2008 09:05 AM - Report Inappropriate Comment

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