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Fellow Accountants, I'm a professional accountant with 2.5 years experience in UAE on 1 month visit visa. Plz help me in getting max interview calls?

Advice me how can i improve my job search & target my hunt effective as i have really short time.

I also request you all in the field to refer me for relevant  jobs in your circle.


Question added by Ahmad Hassan , Receivables Accountant , Emirates Transport
Date Posted: 2015/11/26
by RAJESH DESHKULKARNI GOPAL , Group Accounts & Tax Manager , Confidential Group

Register in genuine websites like, Gulftalent, Naukrigulf & others.

Don't be in hurry & pay money to some HR-cheaters who're doing frauds in the name of CV-Distribution & other fake services without any job-guarantee/commitment.


Please remember that, getting shortlisting & job always depends upon your qualification & talent.


Beware of fraud HR-consultants, believe in job postings without any money expectations.

As per UAE Labour Laws, payments from candidates is not legal. Only employer is liable to pay all costs related to employment to HR-services.


Good luck & have a fruitful VISIT.



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