Bls International Services Salary in United Arab Emirates

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 6250 12500 18750 25000
Average Monthly Salary Bls International Services in United Arab Emirates AED 5,862

18 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Bls International ServicesSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 6250 12500 18750 25000
executive AED 2,521
customer service executive AED 3,025
customer service executive AED 3,025
customer service representative AED 3,025
customer service executive AED 3,075
customer service executive AED 3,440
supervisor AED 3,529
customer service executive AED 3,529
customer service representative AED 3,529
executive operations AED 3,529
customer service supervisor AED 4,033
customer service executive AED 4,102
customer service executive AED 5,042
administrative officer AED 5,546
operations supervisor AED 6,387
customer service representative AED 11,111
hr manager AED 16,836
team leader AED 20,226