The Importance of Business Networking

The Importance of Business Networking

Networking is an invaluable business skill and a critical component in any professional's toolkit for career success. The ability to communicate effectively, build and nurture winning relationships and expand a network is absolutely essential in today's business world for career advancement. Whether you are looking for a job or not, it is always important to be adding to your personal network and fostering existing contacts with the goal of constantly being in touch with key decision-makers and people with influence within your industry and out.

So what is networking? Networking is the process of leveraging your existing contact base of family, friends, professional colleagues and other acquaintances to generate other contacts. It is about constructing an ever-expanding set of contacts and gradually building genuine, mutually beneficial relationships with these people with the goal of advancing your career interests while simultaneously assisting others in advancing theirs. And what are the benefits?

Key benefits of networking include but are not limited to:-

The opportunity to give and receive targeted leads and referrals.

The opportunity to be in with important decision-makers as they influence key events and make things happen.

The opportunity to present yourself to suppliers, customers, potential business partners and employers in a personal way and allow them to relate to you and build a rapport with you.

The opportunity to forge valuable beneficial business relationships that are mutually advantageous over the long run.

The potential to learn of and have doors opened to opportunities you may not otherwise have heard of or had access to.

The opportunity to achieve increased productivities by having additional resources and information and relationships readily at your disposal.

Are there any important considerations to bear in mind while networking? Below are some important dos and donts:-


Treat everywhere, everyday as a networking opportunity; you can meet people just about everywhere who can be of potential long-term value to your business network.

Be yourself and be open, genuine, likeable and approachable when meeting new people.

Listen attentively and empathically and show real interest in the other party

Follow up regularly with all contacts made without being invasive or over-aggressive.

Regular follow-up is key to keeping the network alive.

Follow through on all promises made whether they be phone calls, e-mails, introductions, invitations, visits etc.

Do your homework pre-networking events, find out who you want to be introduced to and don't be afraid to ask for introductions

Keep an updated ledger of contacts to stay organized, use as a reference point and measure your progress


Don't be over-aggressive or over-confident or make immediate assumptions about people

Don't dominate the conversation, aim to listen attentively and learn about the other party as well

Don't make empty promises as these will only lessen your credibility and cast a pall on the relationship

Don't be afraid to approach people and circulate in networking events

Don't be over friendly, over-familiar or over-flattering; keep it professional

Don't expect a quick return, aim to build long-term prolific relationships instead.

Don't be afraid to use your network to ask for referrals and be proactive about supporting your network in return; am to build mutually beneficial long-term relationships.

Roba Al-Assi
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 06/06/2016
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 06/06/2016