Questions Jobseekers Ask

Questions Jobseekers Ask

On a daily basis we receive torrents of questions through our feedback desks and also through our various social networking properties and our team happily and cheerfully responds. The great news is that for three of the most popular questions the answers can now be found online on the brand new fully revamped and are updated on a 24x7 real-time basis. Here are three of the most popular questions jobseekers ask and how to find the answers yourself directly online and for free on

What Skills are in Demand by Top Employers?

We often get asked by jobseekers on what skills are in demand for different industries and what skills they need to acquire to best position themselves for better salaries or new jobs with target employers. Luckily on the new this information is readily available online and for free and just a click or two away for enquiring upwardly mobile professionals from all walks of life. Professionals can now access this essential information through Career Watch which is available for free to all professionals and readily lists exactly what skills are most in demand for any profession across all industries everywhere in the MENA at any point in time. Learn what skills are most popular with your target employers and in your target industry and also how to get a better grip on the career ladder of your choice.

What is a Fair Salary for My Skills?

Jobseekers switching to new careers or industries or relocating to different countries in the MENA often ask us what a fair salary to expect is given their career level and skills. We also get this question a lot at appraisal and promotion as well as job-change time. Today thanks to Salaries, professionals from all walks of life can get a first-hand, real-time look at market salaries for every job title, industry and location in the MENA region. Whether you are looking to ask for that raise you feel you deserve or curious to see what your friends and peers in different job roles and companies are making or simply anxious to map out your optimal career path,'s online Salaries platform has all the up-to-the-minute salaries data you require. In addition there are valuable company reviews and detailed interview accounts.

How Good is My CV? have spent over a decade building and continuously refining and perfecting online CV templates to resonate best with the region’s top employers and jobseekers simultaneously. Creating a CV (or a whole suite of CVs) is entirely free of charge and once you have uploaded your CVs of choice, using your method of choice for upload, the magic of’s industry-leading brand new tools and functionalities begins! You can now instantly view a multitude of helpful items that relate directly to your CV including:-

- How many times your CV has appeared in an employer search

- How many times your CV has actually been viewed

- What keywords your CV is most being identified by

- What your CVs strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement are

- Recommended Jobs for your CV

Remember, once your CV is created you can also instantly create a public profile on's People platform which allows you to be quickly and easily found and recommended or contacted by prospective employers, clients, peers and colleagues alike. You can now use your CV to apply to the region's top jobs and your searchable Public Profile as your business card in a community of the region's top professionals.

Roba Al-Assi
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/04/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 21/08/2017
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/04/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 21/08/2017