Dyarco International Trading Company WLL

خدمات الدعم التجاري


1-9 موظف

16 متابع

اكتشف المزيد عن شركة Dyarco International Trading Company WLL

نبذة عن شركة Dyarco International Trading Company WLL

Primarily, representation of International companies. The type of business represented is widely spread, and consist of heavy Engineering, construction in the Oil and Gas fields, Chemical manufacturing, Design and Engineering, Project management and consultancy, supply of electrical and engineering equipment, distribution of industrial and marine paints, Oil field supply and services and shutdown jobs, etc. DYARCO also involved in sales and marketing of electrical, electronic engineering equipment, security systems, through its joint venture operations and also undertake design, installation and service of communication and wireless equipment system Provide high quality professional human resources to Oil and Gas sectors and to key management and operational areas in the chemical manufacturing industry.