Manwal EGY

مصر - القاهرة

1-9 موظف

195 متابع

تقدم إلى وظائف شركة Manwal EGY

Feb 25, 2024


Feb 25, 2024


Feb 25, 2024


Feb 19, 2024

القاهرة, مصر

اكتشف المزيد عن شركة Manwal EGY

نبذة عن شركة Manwal EGY

In the depths of heritage and craftsmanship, "Manwal" emerges as a weaving machine symbolizing precision and art. Its origin dates back to ancient times, embodying craftsmanship and traditions. "Manwal" stands out for its ability to intricately gather threads, used by artisans to carefully weave their ideas, creating unique artistic works. With a spirit of creativity and uniqueness, "Manwal" manifests itself as a marketing company that transforms ideas into reality, inspired by the aesthetics and precision of "Manwal." Our journey from scattered threads to Manwal, weaving success and excellence! From scattered threads to "Manwal," the masterful force in the world of marketing and advertising. Our idea originated from a moment of inspiration that bridged tradition and modern creativity. With the support of craftsmanship and excellence, we are here to weave unique marketing stories where the past meets the future.


Our vision at "Manwal" revolves around being pioneers in the field of advertising and marketing, relying on art and precision to build unique identities. We draw inspiration from the world of craftsmanship and constantly strive to weave carefully crafted innovative ideas that reflect our passion for creativity and excellence.