NRB Jobs Ltd.


50-99 موظف

0 متابع

اكتشف المزيد عن شركة NRB Jobs Ltd.

نبذة عن شركة NRB Jobs Ltd. is the first Bangladeshi global job portal in the international job market. NRB Jobs Limited is a platform for creating a bridge between local and international job market for NRB/PBO (non-resident Bangladeshi or people of Bangladeshi origin). Our unique job portal and its pioneering ideas are designed in such a way that it will change the ways of our thinking regarding any jobsite. NRB is the only platform where jobseekers, employers, students, learners, trainers and trainees/internees from all background regularly visit to keep in touch with the global job market. This is the place where you have the opportunity to know each-other better, which also indicates that NRB Jobs Limited provides varieties of services.