Shisha Swan SAL

المطاعم وخدمات الطعام

لبنان - بيروت

10-49 موظف

9 متابع

اكتشف المزيد عن شركة Shisha Swan SAL

نبذة عن شركة Shisha Swan SAL

Shisha swan Lebanon is a specialized catering company which focuses on providing a unique service to a select clientele. We strive for excellence in every aspect of our day to day in which we implement quality, creativity, professionalism and cleanliness to output a level of extravagance that is unparalleled.


Our vision is to revolutionize the Shisha smoking experience and show Lebanon what they hype is about all over Europe.


Shisha Swan has finally landed in Lebanon. Our goal is simple.. A luxury like no other.