Modern Methods in Tourism and Management

Modern Methods in Tourism and Management

حول هذه الدورة

This course provides the business or tourism professional with working knowledge of the essential concepts and skills required for developing, operating and sustaining a tourism industry.

مناطق تحسين مسيرتك المهنية

This course is geared towards persons interested in ensuring that tourism projects are not only successful but longstanding. As such, it introduces basic concepts and issues in the industry and explores the different ways to plan, implement a profitable tourism project and improve and resolve issues associated with existing tourism projects or industries.

ما الذي سوف تتعلمه؟

  • Philosophies involved in tourism marketing, managing customer relationships and maximizing the human capital of your organization.
  • Issues of professional development which are essential for success in this dynamic industry.


المتطلبات الأساسية
5 Days
من يتعين عليه التسجيل؟
  • The course is recommended for anyone who works in any sector of the tourism and hospitality industry.

لمحة عامة

London Training For Excellence
نوع الدرس:
دورة تدربية معتمدة‎
نمط الدراسة:
قاعة دراسية
New York
4,000 GBP
Course Completion Certificate

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