Analytical Skills Test

المدة: 40 دقائق

أسئلة: 40 أسئلة متعددة الإختيارات

منهج الإختبار

The Analytical Skills Test measures the ability to understand and solve complex problems and concepts as well as make decisions based on given inputs.
Analytical Skills include, but are not limited to applying logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information, designing and testing solutions to problems, and formulating plans. Below is an example of the type of questions included in this test:

This question is based on the statement "Sam runs faster than Peter". Which statement/statements among the following is/are necessary to justify the statement?

1)Tim is the fastest runner in the tournament.
2)Sam can run faster than Tim.
3)Sam can run as fast as Tim.
4)Tim can run faster than Peter.


  • Each question has between 2 and 8 options; one or more may be correct.
  • There is no penalty for guessing if you don't know the answer; therefore, make sure you attempt all of the questions.
  • In order to pass, you will need to answer at least 60% of the questions correctly.
  • The clock timing your test is located at the top of the test window.
  • This test is best viewed using Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher or Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or higher at a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels.
  • Questions will be displayed one at a time. A next button is provided at the bottom of the test page for navigating to the next question. Do not press the next button if you have not answered the question.
  • Once you have answered a question, you cannot go back and change your answer.
  • Do not use the shortcut menu options (mouse right-click) or the keyboard for navigating backwards or forwards within the test.
  • There is a 30 days waiting period between test retakes.

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