ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.

من قبل TARIG BABIKER AL AMIN , Head of Planning and Studies Unit , Sudanese Free Zones and Markets Co.

A retailer's natural business year might be the 52-53 consecutive weeks ending on the Saturday closest to each February 1. This is a low point of activity as it follows the retailer's holiday season and its January clearance sales. The 52-53 week periods (instead of 12 month periods) will result in an equal number of Saturdays in most of the natural business years (as well as in the 13-week quarters and in the 4-5 week months) Many companies have a natural business year of January 1 through December 31. On the other hand, some companies are required by government regulations to end their accounting years on December 31, even though it is not the end of their natural business year


the nature business year is 12 monthes start from january up to december

manseer muhammed ali
من قبل manseer muhammed ali , Accountant General , Royal Lighting L.L.C & Royal Furnishing LLC

A natural business year is the period of 12 consecutive months (or 52-53 consecutive weeks) ending at a low point of an organization's activities. For example, a school district will have a natural business year of July 1 through June 30, since classes for the school year end in early June.

Wilfredo Quito
من قبل Wilfredo Quito , Accounting Manager , DDC LAND INC.

Thank you for your kindness invitation.

I agree with all previous answers.


Ahmed mohsen
من قبل Ahmed mohsen , Senior Accountant , Main Poly Clinic

 The one-year period ending at an organization's typical low point of activity. ... It is practical to have the accounting and financial reporting year match the natural business year. An accounting and financial reporting year ending on a date other than December 31 is referred to as a fiscal year.

Soliman Abd  ALmalak Gendy
من قبل Soliman Abd ALmalak Gendy , مدير ادارة مراقبة حسابات , الجهاز المركزى للمحاسبات

Natural business year is a period of 12 conservative month terminating in a natural low point of a firm activities. This period is an ideal choice for being the official accounting year of a business

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