ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.

Aida Sartbaeva
من قبل Aida Sartbaeva , Senior Sales Associate , Tavola Trading

The only way of handling the arrogant customers is smiling and giving high level of customer service. They will change their attitude at last. There's such proverb like: "The warm word pulls out even the snake out of its cage".

sajan murali
من قبل sajan murali , Associate Desgner , Sparkles Fashion Studio

 wish them

ask them how can i help 

listen their problem first and agree with it if its our mistake and patienly try to solve it .between that offer something to drink .

suggest them another options

navin maini
من قبل navin maini

Arrogance is due to non satisfactory reasons, if the client is satisfied with the service provided and gets an additional respect then the arrogance can be tamed and converted in to appreciation.  if you have the ability then noting is impossible. finally its human versus human, we need to analyze the needs and requirement to please a customer, i am sure the arrogance will vanish in thin air.

Shukri Ibrahim
من قبل Shukri Ibrahim , Administration Officer , Rezayat Company Ltd

Difficult clients are part of business, but a few tips may help turn the headache into profit:

1. Choose your words carefully

2. Add FroMLE to the end of ignorant statements.

3. Be very specific, use measurables.

4. Acknowledge, but don’t agree.

5. Pin down the outcome.

6. Use visual reminders and document it.


7. Recognize a real personality conflict.

Afifa Mahfooz
من قبل Afifa Mahfooz

I will handle an arrogant customer with courtesy and patient.I will display him competence and knowledge.Use their ego to the advantage.Empathetic to customer and mutually  agree to the solution.

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

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