Top 5 Marketing Skills to List on Your Profile Right Now

The freight train that is marketing trends is moving at warp speed, where every few years it takes a fated turn and charts an entirely new course. Oftentimes, that new course is not new at all – only a revisitation of ruts that had formed years prior. Nevertheless. Instead of going too abstract and sentimental for you, I’d rather just get to the point: You better be learning how to catch up with marketing trends if you want a piece of the pie and start upskilling yourself accordingly.

With the turn of 2020, much of the world had been forced to adapt to the new demands generated by the year’s tumultuous events. Lockdowns, travel bans, and economic downturns lay the foundation for a revolution of sorts; automation and digitalization swept across the business world as fast as the COVID-19 outbreak, and consequently, so has the incentive to learn marketing skills on behalf of employees in order to keep up with the current.

With most companies having re-evaluated their management and recruitment processes, it’s high time you yourself looked to bring more to the table. This blog post isn’t concerned with how – that’s going to be your responsibility; rather it’s going to tell you exactly what you need.

Content marketing

You saw this one coming, didn’t you? The proof is in the pudding, I say! You’re already at the effect of the humongous content marketing trend that’s long since overtaken the digital marketing landscape.

Any company concerned with internet usage today acknowledges that in order to attract their target market, they must produce a consistent stream of high-quality content. And if you show that you’re capable of drawing up the stuff that attracts target audiences in droves, then you’ve set yourself as an invaluable asset to just about any company that’s remotely concerned with digital marketing.

CRM software experience

Short for Customer Relationship Management, CRM is an indispensable instrument in any company’s marketing toolkit. For the uninitiated, the purpose of CRM software is to manage (duh) every interaction between the company and its customers. It’s kind of like a 30,000-foot view of all the ongoing business processes – from sales to marketing to customer service.

Oracle and Salesforce are both popular CRM software. As far as my research is concerned, they’re both very good options to add to your beloved profile.

Mobile marketing

Did you know that over half of e-commerce traffic is driven by mobile devices? I didn’t either. But hey – as they say, you learn something every day! And in 2020 alone, 211 million users performed internet searches via their mobile devices. (Click here to see more staggering mobile marketing stats.)

Now that you hopefully understand the implications of just how much mobile is useful for click-and-mortar/pure-play businesses, you ought to be scrambling to get a handle on the mobile marketing landscape. Trust me, if you show businesses that you know what mobile is all about, you’ll be the “not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need” to most employers. You’ll be their Batman.

Email marketing

73% of people identify email as their preferred means of business communication, and that the number of active email users amounts to 4 billion.

If you crack the email marketing code and understand stuff like open rates, A/B testing, email lead nurturing, and get super skilled at producing slick sales copy, then not only will companies want you among their workforce, but the closest digital marketing company would also like to know your number.

Social media marketing

Companies are looking high and low for media buyers all the time. Competition is fierce in the social media arena, and it’s only getting fiercer. Paid advertisements have been all the rage in 2021, and the need for skilled social ad experts is only getting higher. As they say, their need is your opportunity. What are you waiting for? Get moving and start advertising on Facebook!

Marketing never ends

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, the good news is that marketing is one of those things that have existed since the beginning of time and will probably last to see its end. The way products are marketed changes over the years, but the principles remain ever steadfast and unchanging. No matter when you decide to enter the game, you’ll always find an opportunity that will come a-knockin’ if you prove to employers that you know what you’re talking about.

And the very first time will likely not be because of your perceived ‘expertise’, but because you’ll have taken a step in putting yourself out there in front of employee-desperate hiring managers.

Want to know what to also include in your CV? Check out this blog post here!

Mohamad Osman
  • Posted by Mohamad Osman - ‏26/10/2021
  • Last updated: 26/10/2021
  • Posted by Mohamad Osman - ‏26/10/2021
  • Last updated: 26/10/2021