How to Prepare for Ramadan at Work: A Checklist

How to Prepare for Ramadan at Work: A Checklist

Ramadan is right around the corner, and we’re all going nuts with questions like “How can I survive with no coffee?” or “How can I finish working on all my tasks with less energy?” and many others! Well, I come baring good news; there are things you can do to overcome the difficulties we face in Ramadan; be it lack of energy, lack of productivity or any other challenge we face. Below are 5 things you can do to make this Ramadan much easier than the ones before!

1. Fast beforehand

Don’t expect your body to get accustomed to fasting and lower energy levels with Ramadan’s start! It’ll take a couple of days for your body to adjust to the new way of living and eating. Get a head-start and fast a couple of days before Ramadan just to get settled to your new routine.

2. Organize your work

Ticking things off your to-do list is hard enough when you can eat and drink, this gets much more difficult when you’re fasting and running on lower energy levels. We advise you to always start with the hard tasks first; take advantage of mornings, when you have the highest energy levels, to work on the tasks that demand the highest focus or creativity levels. When you’re no longer capable of thinking, it’s time to move to the non-taxing tasks.

3. Avoid headaches

How many times have you woken up with a terrible headache because you need your morning coffee? I know I did! And it’s especially hard the first few days of Ramadan! We advise you to get your daily coffee need at suhoor; it’ll do magic when you wake up. We assure you it’ll get easier throughout the month!

4. Plan your day

We all know that in Ramadan we tend to allocate more time to spiritual activities than any other time of the year, which is great for us. However, this may cause us to start taking longer breaks and end up feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work we have to do. We advise you to plan your day; allocate 15 minutes of your day for each prayer you have to do while at the office and stick to it. You will notice how organized you’ll feel in comparison to prior Ramadans!

5. Eat intelligently

With less time to eat in Ramadan, now is the time to start paying attention to what we eat, and this is especially important for suhoor. Make sure you eat a nutritious meal to get enough energy to last you at least you work hours. You can check 4 magical energy-boosting foods to help you this Ramadan!

6. Sleep!

According to the ‘Ramadan in the MENA Workplace’ poll, July 2014, 82% of professionals say that people staying awake late displays lower productivity throughout the day. We know that getting enough sleep is hard with our Ramadan routines, but you have to try to get at least 6 hours of sleep before getting to work.

7. Drink lots and lots of water!

According to Mitchell et al. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, water forms 60-70% of our bodies. The lack of it can affect the proper functioning of our bodies and our productivity levels. Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking enough water between iftar and suhoor.

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 12/06/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 12/06/2016