This Is How You Supercharge Your Job Search this Ramadan

The holy month of Ramadan is upon us and several companies around the world have begun to reschedule workplace activities in line with this period. As a job seeker, this could be a tricky time to navigate through. You may have even heard that workplace activities may begin to decrease at some companies and your chances of getting a job could likely get slimmer.

While it is true that workplace activities decrease in some companies, the complete truth is that in most companies it is practically business as usual; and even if the routines of your dream workplace change and the number of job positions available decreases during this time, it could still be a positive thing. For one thing, it implies that any job opening urgently needs to be filled and you may be able to land these positions and get ahead with lesser hassles if you could just tighten your seat belt and get things moving.

With that being said, we have compiled a list of the ways you can supercharge your job search this Ramadan:

1. Be as thorough, strategic, and smart as possible in your job search

Being thorough, smart, and strategic is essential to ensure a successful job search process. A job, after all, will appear out of thin air. Job searching during Ramadan should only be about sending applications and hoping to get called for an interview. You have to do so much more. No stones must be left unturned.

Some key strategies for this period are:

  • Ensure that your resume, CV, and cover letter are ingenious to each job role: It's crucial that during this period of Ramadan, you take the time to write targeted resumes, CVs, and cover letters that directly connect your qualifications to the hiring criteria for the jobs you are applying for. The hiring manager will be able to immediately see why and how you are qualified for the job thereby increasing your chances of landing the job. In this aspect, our expert CV and cover letter writing services could be of help to you.

  • Improve your social media presence: During this period, employers would typically prefer to go through the social media profiles of job applicants to determine their qualifications and assess their professionalism rather than invite them for two or more interviews. By assessing the social media pages of the potential candidates, they can eliminate people with negative attributes or attributes that do not align with the company, save time and hire the right candidate faster. What you must do is have an online presence that improves the way the employer sees you and better your chances of landing the job you desire this Ramadan.

  • Network: It is 2022. Surely there is nobody that still underestimates the power networking has after it has been proven over and over again that it is the way many people have landed a new job. To this end, ensure you connect with as many people as you can. Network until you think you have done enough and then start all over again. Inquire about their company, ask for some insider information, or request help with an opening you intend to apply for. The Ramadan period opens the door for many gatherings. As much as you can, consider attending social gatherings like “Iftar parties”. You can never tell where your employer may be.

  • Stay on top of industry trends and news. All information you can get from reputable sources about changes and challenges in your industry should be available to you. Ask yourself how these changes will affect the type of work you intend to do - if they will and act accordingly. When you land an interview, these insights will come in handy and help you impress the employer.

2. Do away with the distractions

Of course, it is Ramadan so there is an influx of new TV shows, movies, and extra seasons of well-known series. Now, we are not judging you for choosing to engage in some self-indulgence by watching these shows that are likely to end up being the talk of the town. However, you must remember that it is for this reason that the Ramadan season is the perfect time to land that dream job. This is because, during this period, many job seekers become inactive.

Seize the moment. Do not slack off. There's no reason why you should spend precious time watching these shows and movies when you could do so at a later time. Instead, focus on having an edge over your fellow hibernating job seekers. If you are having a difficult time avoiding distractions, you could consider:

  • Making a schedule or to-do list
  • Dividing your work into smaller tasks. With the help of your to-do list, you could assign times to each task. For instance, you could decide to do research on your preferred company between Iftar and Taraweeh prayers and send your application at a later time
  • Turn your notification alerts off. It is harder to resist distractions when you can hear every phone notification that comes in
  • Find the appropriate location to do your work. The period between Iftar and Taraweeh prayers is usually one for some family time. It is probably not the best idea to be in the living room during this period.

3. Consider using job search engines

By using keywords that match your location, skills, and your requirements of where you want to work, you narrow your search criteria and save time which ultimately presents you with highly relevant job listings to choose from. Our job search engine at is designed to do just that effectively.

If you have any tips of your own that could supercharge a job-search process during this period, make sure to leave a comment below.

Oluwanifemi Ayanleke