Interview with Lubna Fahmy, Regional Recruitment Manager at Serco, Middle East

Interview with Lubna Fahmy, Regional Recruitment Manager at Serco, Middle East


With more than 10 years of experience in human resources and a strong focus in Recruitment in UAE and USA with leading/multinational Companies, Lubna has consistently aligned human resources strategy with business goals and achieved significant improvements in key business metrics (such as employee turnover, productivity and profitability.

Lubna has previously worked in many different industries including Oil and Gas, Aviation, Medical, Credit Card processing and Transport and was involved in startups in the private sector and the government. She is today the Regional Recruitment Manager at Serco Middle East, one of the world's leading service and outsourcing companies.

1. How do you like living and working in the UAE?

I was born and raised in the U.A.E. I really feel at home here more than any other place in the world. I find it remarkable how the mix of residents and working professionals coming from different cultures and countries to UAE manage to mix and live together in peace and harmony. I love how cosmopolitan the UAE is.

2. What is your average day at work like?

The U.A.E in general in the private sector leads a - work hard play hard - philosophy, so an average day doesn't lack daily challenges and surprises in any industry, I love it though sometimes it could get very hectic but I have identified, throughout the course of my career, Top Stress busters which I resort to in times of stress.

3. What is your biggest professional challenge?

At this point of time and with the global economic downturn, my biggest professional challenge is to keep developing myself and my career. There's still a good market for HR/Recruitment in U.A.E. but it's tough to find a place where you can actually still develop under these circumstances.

4. What is the most important thing you look for in new hires?

Attitude, attitude, attitude!! You could have the most skilled person on earth but with a very negative attitude to work/life. You do not want to bring this person on board to your organization: “behavior is contagious”.

5. What is the biggest challenge you face in hiring talent?

Getting the right team of people with the right skills. A harmonious team who can work well together is key to any business success.

6. What is your favorite part of your role?

It has to be meeting and exploring new people daily and planning ahead and foreseeing positive outcomes and then reaping positive results.

7. What has been the highlight of your career in HR?

I would say my Etihad Airways role in recruitment at Etihad's start up time. It was very challenging yet very educational and a big learning curve for me that took me to different heights in HR/Recruitment.

8. What do you read to keep abreast of industry developments?

HR Forums, articles and definitely quarterly Seminars held in U.A.E.

9. What is your advice to someone looking to enter the field of HR?

Integrity and Flexibility are key. Look into two things when looking for your first HR job: the place you can learn and develop at, and the mentor/ leader who you can learn from.

10. How do you see the Middle East evolve as a place to practice HR?

Healthy growth - relatively slow but mature- The Middle East has definitely witnessed great efforts throughout past few years which are now coming to surface.

11. If you could wave your magic stick and make a significant development in one specific area of HR practices worldwide, where would that fall?

Employment law in U.A.E.

12. Anything else you'd like to share with the community of Employers?

It's hard to find an organization that which excels and stands out from the crowd in its very first phase- This is what I see in BAYT: very impressive staff, great values and a very strong drive to succeed and LEAD in the market- since day 1 and until this day.I wish Bayt continued success and as a U.A.E. citizen, I am absolutely proud to have them as Top Middle Eastern provider for leading recruitment tools and practices in the U.A.E/ Gulf and Middle Eastern market.

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016