The Latest Emiratization Update: All You Need to Know

In pursuit of building a stronger and more sustainable future, the UAE has been steadfast in its commitment to Emiratization – a transformative initiative aimed at empowering Emirati nationals and increasing their representation in the workforce. At, we are passionate about contributing to the UAE's Emiratization goals by bridging the gap between employers and Emirati job seekers. serves as a dynamic hub, where Emirati nationals can explore abundant career opportunities that align with their aspirations and skillsets. By facilitating seamless connections, we empower Emiratis to take charge of their career paths and fulfill their potential in the job market!

So, what’s the latest Emiratization update?

According to the recent announcement by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, companies with 20 to 49 employees are now required to meet specific hiring quotas. By 2024, they must recruit at least one UAE citizen, and another by 2025.

Previously, this requirement was applicable only to firms with 50 or more employees. Now, small businesses across 14 sectors, including real estate, education, construction, and healthcare, have a crucial role in supporting Emiratization and promoting the nation's economic growth. It's a step towards empowering Emiratis and creating more diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Empowering job seekers: Opportunities knocking at your door

This Emiratization update opens up a world of possibilities for Emirati job seekers. Whether you are a fresh graduate embarking on your career journey or an experienced professional seeking new challenges, the update paves the way for enhanced career growth and stability. Here's what the update means for job seekers:

  • Increased job openings: As companies strive to meet Emiratization targets, there will be an upsurge in job opportunities specifically catering to UAE nationals. This translates to a broader range of job openings in various sectors and industries.
  • Focus on skill development: Companies will be investing more in training and developing local talents. As a job seeker, you can seize these opportunities to enhance your skills and stay competitive in the job market.
  • Career advancement: With the emphasis on career growth and development, companies will be more inclined to offer clear career paths to Emirati employees. This means better chances for progression and higher levels of job satisfaction.
  • Support for entrepreneurship: If you aspire to be an entrepreneur, the new update provides a conducive environment for starting and growing your own business. From mentorship to funding, the support system is geared toward nurturing entrepreneurial talent.

Embrace the future: Your role in Emiratization

  • As an Emirati job seeker, you play a pivotal role in the success of Emiratization. Embrace the future with enthusiasm and determination, and make the most of the opportunities presented by this update. Here are some ways to get involved:
  • Upskill yourself: Stay ahead in the job market by continuously developing your skills and knowledge. Embrace lifelong learning and seek out training programs that align with your career aspirations.
  • Be proactive: If you are a job seeker, actively look for Emiratization-driven job openings and apply with confidence. Highlight your strengths, aspirations, and commitment to contributing to the UAE's workforce.
  • Embrace entrepreneurship: If you dream of starting your own business, explore the support and resources available for Emirati entrepreneurs. Take advantage of mentorship programs and funding opportunities to kickstart your journey.
  • Support diversity and inclusion: Embrace diversity and inclusion in the workplace. As an employee, champion a culture that values and respects all backgrounds, creating an environment where everyone can thrive.

Explore thousands of Emiratization jobs now!

Natalie Mahmoud Fawzi Al Saad