Dress for the Job You Want

dress for your next job

Question from Job Seeker: Hello, we always hear different point of views as to the importance of physical appearance at work; while some say it is very important and can jeopardize one’s job, others believe what’s most important is one’s performance during the interview and on the job. Can you please give me a final answer? Is physical appearance that important at work? Is it underestimated or overrated? Answer from Bayt HR Guru: It is true, both physical appearance and performance are important, but each at a different stage and on a different level.

1- Physical Appearance:

We’ve all heard this at least once in our life: “dress for the job you want, not the job you have”. In fact, when you’re interviewing for a job, it is all about first impressions; so if you like the job you applied to and want to get it, you should make some effort to look the part and leave a long-lasting positive impression. In fact, Bayt.com’s latest poll on the “Influence of Personal Appearance on Hiring Decisions” revealed that 83.4% of MENA professionals link appearance to success and 76.4% believe that employers make a decision based on a candidate’s physical appearance. In addition to that, good personal grooming and style show your interest in the position you’ve applied to (27.5%), and your good character (24.8%).

2- Performance:

Performance is most important after you get the job and need to prove yourself and your capabilities sooner than later to show your employer that you are worthy of their trust. At this stage, physical appearance is not as essential, as you would have complied by now with the company’s dress code which leaves very little space for faux-pas. If the company has no dress code, than look at how your colleagues get dressed and follow their footsteps taking it up a notch if you wish. Bayt.com’s poll on “Influence of Personal Appearance on Hiring Decisions” showed that 47.3% of MENA companies have a dress code; however, 46.4% of professionals were not informed of it and found out about it later by themselves. With 49.4% of MENA professionals believing well-groomed professionals enjoy better professional growth, we highly advise you to keep an eye on your personal appearance even after you get the job, not to miss out on any potential promotion. Good luck!

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016