3 steps to get a promotion at work

getting a promotion middle east

Q. Hi! I've noticed that only a few years ago, one just had to perform his job description well, follow the status quo, generate results and show support for the organization in order to get recognized as an active member. Today, the list of one's responsibilities has grown to include managing crisis and change, working with an entrepreneurial attitude, and navigating the political environment at the workplace. So how can I move up the corporate ladder in this new environment? Thanks! Christina L.

A. Good question, Christina. Your skills and experience, reputation, and work ethic are all factors that help you advance in your career. In fact, 28.6% of respondents in the Bayt.com ‘Career Advancement in the MENA’, June 2011, said that not updating existing skills is the biggest mistake one could make when climbing the career ladder, 17.1% stated the biggest mistake as not being nice to others, while 10.2% mentioned ‘not networking regularly’ as a mistake when it came to career advancement.

But as you've mentioned, the rules for getting promoted today have evolved and are not as predictable as they were in the past. Even if you really think you deserve it, you won’t always get given a promotion automatically. Sometimes you have to talk to your manager first and put forward your case.

This might seem a bit scary at first, so we’ve put together some useful steps as to how you might do this:

Step 1: Be prepared You don’t usually have to present your manager with a CV to get a promotion, but if you’ve got some evidence of the things you’ve achieved it’ll really help. Try to keep a record of everything you do that’s successful. Some jobs require you to fill a spreadsheet in as part of your day-to-day work that shows all the things you’ve done. In other jobs, you might be able to use statistics like sales figures to show how well you’ve done.

Step 2: Find the right time Try to arrange a time with your manager where you can talk about getting a promotion so you can have their full attention. If your manager is busy then they might not take everything you’re saying very seriously. By having a specific time set aside you’ll also have a chance to prepare yourself.

Step 3: The right attitude When talking to your manager, you should try to be positive. If there was ever a time to boast about all the things you know you’re good at, it’s now. And remember, whatever your manager’s reaction to your request, remain calm and be polite. It’ll make you look really professional and means you can always ask again another time.

A promotion won’t just fall into your lap. If you want to climb up the career ladder, you need to be proactive. I hope that these tips will help you get that promotion you’ve always dreamed of!

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016