The 5 Worst Things You Could Do to Your Online Profile

Profile visibility

Attention job seekers! 82% of employers research a candidate online before calling them in for an interview. This means that everything you do online could be monitored by a potential employer, at any moment. has recently conducted the ‘Social Recruiting in the Middle East and North Africa’ poll, October 2014, which explored the things companies look for in your online profile. Using results from this poll, here are some tips on how you can avoid damaging your online presence:

1. Sharing anything and everything on your social media accounts

The ‘Social Recruiting in the Middle East and North Africa’ poll shows that 45% of employers in the region hire from social media accounts, as they find it quick and easy. What’s important to note is that your social presence gives a snapshot of your personality. Certain photos, or status updates might not have a good impression on potential employers. You either need remove them, or change your privacy settings.

2. Not having an active online profile

Being search-engine friendly is the first step to getting yourself noticed by employers. Try Googling your name and see what results come up. Are they all nice and positive? It’s important to amp up your online presence. Are you an expert in your field? Start a blog. Do you have knowledge and expertise worth showing to employers? Get a Public Profile. A Public Profile is like a digital CV, it shows everything you’re good at while being extremely search-engine friendly.

3. Not showing your expertise or engaging on professional platforms

81% of professionals in the ‘Social Recruiting in the Middle East and North Africa’ poll say that social media platforms prove to be a good way for employers and candidates to engage together through industry-related comments, discussions and questions. Platforms such as Specialties enable professionals to get together, ask specific questions and get expert opinions and answers. Engaging in professional discussions on Specialties is a good way for employers to know more about you – beyond a traditional CV.

4. Not following your target employer’s company profile

The ‘Social Recruiting in the Middle East and North Africa’ poll reveals that 55% of professionals in the Middle East feel that they are more likely to be hired if they are active online. So be active, not only on your personal profile, but on your target employer’s company profile as well. For example, you can follow your target employer’s company profile on to stay up-to-date with their latest news and job openings. This way you can stand out from the crowd and establish yourself as a good fit for the company.

5. Failing to include those things that make an impact on your online profile

Employers are looking for certain sections in your online profile when considering you for a specific role. Make sure to highlight these aspects, and elaborate on them in detail. Topping the list is industry knowledge and experience (24%) and professional experience (24%). Here are other things employers look for in your online profile, according to the ‘Social Recruiting in the Middle East and North Africa’ poll:

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016