5 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your CV

Improving Your CV

Your CV is like your business card – it includes all the skills and characteristics that make you a good match for the job. With the advent of online recruitment sites, employers come across hundreds, if not thousands of CVs, when looking for the perfect candidate. Only those with the best CVs and best first impressions will be shortlisted, so in order to succeed, it’s essential to ensure that your CV is impeccable. Here are some tips to write an impressive CV and increase the number of interview requests and views on your CV as you do so:

1. Have a precise career objective

This is the opening part of your CV. It’s the first thing that a recruiter reads when sifting through thousands of CVs in their inbox. Thus, it should be well-written and specific in order to excite the reader and encourage him to know more about you. Be creative and honest when describing how ambitious you are, as well as the talents that make you stand out. Be unique and make sure not to copy/paste your career objective from random websites. Here are some quick tips to help you optimize your Bayt.com CV.

2. Let your keywords reflect your skills

Technology is taking over the world. Whenever a recruiter or manager posts a job online, hundreds of job applications start to flood their inbox. Going through all the CVs is an impossible task, which is why most recruiters use filtering tools, such as the ones provided by Bayt.com, to get the CVs that match their needs, and include appropriate keywords to do this. All you have to do is focus on using searchable keywords in your skills section according to the job or sector you’re targeting. You can also stress your problem-solving, creativity and leadership skills. Here's how to stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs online.

3. Include your work experience and internships

This section should contain all your previous work experiences in the targeted field, including your internships and professional achievements. In case you don’t have prior professional experience, internships can make a huge difference. Doing an internship proves that you have relevant experience and will be able to perform some of the tasks that may be given to you in the future. Your work experience should include all the tasks of your previous jobs and all the projects you managed. No experience? Don't worry! Here's how to get the job when you have no relevant experience.

4. Pay attention to the layout and language

You must maintain a clear and well-organized CV. Use bullet points to enumerate; use an appropriate font and keep your CV concise. In fact, 42.5% of employers in the Middle East prefer a short and concise CV that is no longer than one page. Use action verbs and avoid any spelling and grammar mistakes as 21.3% of employers say the biggest mistake on a CV is having poor language. You should always review your CV and make sure everything is on point. This will prove to the employer that you are an organized person and that you pay attention to the smallest details. Here are 10 things that shouldn't be on your CV.

5. Don't forget the cover letter

According to employers, cover letters are really, really important. This is because it lets you provide an interesting summary of your profile, as well as highlight your key achievements and core competencies. A cover letter also helps you get shortlisted by projecting yourself in the best possible way. Similar to your CV, make sure to use the appropriate language, as well as, focus on the target job role and your key achievements. In the conclusion of your cover letter, request an interview politely at the employer’s convenience. Here are some tips from Bayt.com to write the perfect cover letter.

Need help from the experts to write the perfect CV? Contact us now and get a CV that employers will love.

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/03/2018
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/03/2018