6 Super Creative CVs That Can Make You Stand out When You Apply for a Job

Recruiters and hiring managers regularly skim through hundreds of CVs and cover letters on regular basis in search for a great candidate. In addition to having looming deadlines to make a hiring decision, recruiters are baffled as many of the CV’s they view are nearly identical; same format, style, and content. So, they only spend a few seconds on each document and quickly move on to the next applicant. But some recruiters around the world have been delighted to lay their eyes on several CV’s that are truly unique, creative, and instantly make the applicant stand out and worthy of an interview or possibly an immediate job offer.

Take a look at six of the most creative CVs, take some notes, and be ready to make your CV stand out:

1. Middle Eastern Job Seeker Tells Airbnb Why They Really Need Her

Nina Mufleh really wanted to work for Airbnb. She relentlessly tried to get in touch with the company through emails and job listings but was not able to receive any follow-up. Nina decided to take her CV to the next level and created a mini-presentation for Airbnb showing some of the areas the company is under-performing in as well as what she will do to help reach these targets. Nina’s elaborate and unprecedented CV took her a week to create, but it attracted the attention of the CEO and CMO of Airbnb and granted her the job she dreamed of.

Via Nina4airbnb.com

2. Marketing Specialist Creates a Doughnut Flavored CV

Lukas Yla did not want to take the easy route and send an old-fashioned uninspiring CV. In the field of marketing, a healthy dose of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking is highly appreciated. As a Marketing specialist, Yla disguised himself as a courier and delivered his CV in a box of doughnuts to 40 different companies. Indeed, his innovative approach landed him many job interviews and great exposure on the internet.

via boredpanda.com

3. IT Specialist and Designer Grabs the Attention of Google

As a specialist in information technology and a natural admirer of Google, Eric Gandhi thought that there is no better way to grab the attention of Google than to have a Google-themed CV. With his top qualities in the infamous Google search box, and his experience and skills as the search results, Eric’s CV succeeded at gaining the interest of Google and getting himself an interview.

via businessinsider.com

4. Instagram Lover Dedicates a Website CV for Her Dream Job

Alice Lee passionately wanted to work for Instagram. To prove her dedication and fascination with this company, Alice created a website to host her four-page resume, showcase her skills, and to stand out among the large crowd of Instagram lovers. Alice’s site grew to become a complete portfolio of her work, which landed her many design opportunities with Google, Dropbox, Venmo, The New York Times, and others.

via businessinsider.com

5. Social Media Junkie Creates Facebook Feed CV

The familiar style of Facebook feed is catchy and easy-to-use. Sabrina Soccoccio decided to adopt this format for creating an unprecedented CV. She invested a great deal of effort to ensure that her CV is rich with all the relevant information about her skills and work experience. Sabrina also made her CV feed buzzy with pictures and quirky comments to maintain the social media aspect.

Via creativebloq.com

6. Aspiring Editor Creates a 20-page CV Magazine

Landing a lucrative job offer may require spending over three weeks creating a magazine-style CV with photos, stories, and experience highlights. This is what Sumukh Mehta did in an effort to work with GQ Magazine. Indeed, going above and beyond worked for this aspiring editor; upon seeing his CV magazine, the CEO of GQ offered Sumukh an internship opportunity without even conducting an interview.

via mashable.com

Do you have more creative CV ideas? Comment below to share.

Mohannad Aljawamis