How is CV relevance calculated on

Any job seeker who is screened-out by any of the job filters that the employer sets (industry, age, last experience role, years of experience, residence location, gender, degree) will be ranked last regardless of anything else. Users who don’t meet the employer’s specific requirements will be presented with a message indicating that.

The application rank is calculated based on different fields. The CV will have a higher rank based on the following:

  • Meeting the job’s “Residence Location” requirement
  • Meeting the job role and industry
  • Meeting the job’s “Experience” requirement
  • Meeting the job’s “Education” requirements
  • Meeting the job’s career level.
  • If the job title matches words in the CV (experiences, target job title, etc…).
  • If the job’s specialties matches words in the CV (experiences, target job title, skills, etc…).

Kindly note that employers might choose to screen out an application for reasons that are not mentioned in the requirements. The recruitment process is managed by the employers with no involvement from, and they have the right to disclose the requirements as per their needs.

Mohannad Aljawamis