Creative Agencies No Longer Corner the Market on Creativity

Creative Agencies No Longer Corner the Market on Creativity

“I can draw” Video Contest is’s Innovative Approach to Find the Best Global Artistic-Multimedia Talent for Jobsite’s Video Needs

Internet users are increasingly creating their own online experiences by uploading videos to websites like YouTube and Vimeo, authoring blogs on Blogger, micro-blogging on Twitter, and creating their personalized online profile on Facebook and MySpace. recognizes that talented, creative individuals are expressing themselves through the internet in numbers and with a level of skill and creativity like never before, and that this creative group is not limited to “professionals.”

Talented amateurs make up a significant portion of online creators – and the more than 2,750,000 registered users on – and these users want to play an active role in shaping their online experience. When discussing video content as a core part of their user experience, decided to diverge from the creative agency route for its video production.

Instead, has just launched a Video Contest titled “I can draw Video Contest” asking’s users to create engaging, artistic videos that bring the words of to life. “We spoke to several local and global agencies about producing a suite a videos for, including an introduction to our role in the recruitment process and how-to videos, but the solution was right in front of us all along,” said Dan Stuart, Head of Strategic Initiatives at “With over 2,750,000 users – many of whom tell us they want to play a larger role in shaping the user experience of – this was a chance to tap into their interests and creative abilities, and to continue the innovative spirit we have been pursuing through events like our Virtual Job Fairs to help our users find jobs in Dubai and jobs in the Middle East–North Africa region.”

“People often use the term Web 2.0, but the essence of Web 2.0 is to empower users to be authors who are building their online experience. Guided by this principle, we’ve already had great success with innovative approaches to crowd-sourcing content for our website,” Stuart said. “Ultimately, we learned from these experiences and decided to bring this particular contest in-house so that we could incorporate user-generated submissions into the very core of – both now and in the future.” The “I can draw” Video Contest runs from January 5th to March 6th, 2009.

Users can visit the contest microsite at Bayt has provided two video scripts on the microsite. Users create a video for one of these scripts using an original visual concept. The winning video concept will receive the contract to create more than three trilingual videos for

Also, both the winning designer and design will be promoted on, in all contest-related PR, and promoted on the contest Microsite. “For us, this contest is only the beginning,” said Stuart. “We have an ambitious plan to continue innovating across all areas of in 2009 – including our core goal to match talent with opportunity. In all cases, we are driven by our mission to empower users with the tools and information to build their lifestyle of choice. We hope the “I can draw Contest” is another example of this empowerment.”

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/04/2016
  • Last updated: 21/08/2017
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/04/2016
  • Last updated: 21/08/2017