Sunday Blues, No More

Sunday Blues, No More

Question from Job Seeker: I suppose it’s not just me, but I can’t seem to get over getting back to work after the weekend. All I can think of on Saturday is that tomorrow I’ll be back to work and it kind of ruins my whole day, not to mention the struggle of having to drag myself out of bed on Sunday knowing a whole week of work is ahead of me. Is it normal to dread it to that extent? What can I do about it?

Answer from Bayt HR Guru: Thank you for mentioning what has been diagnosed as the malady that affects a big portion of the active population: the Sunday blues (or Monday elsewhere). All hail the weekend!

The good news is that you can easily shift your attitude by looking at the weekend with a more work-positive perspective. After all, weekends are really good for you. They offer a “time out” from work and everyday routine, and make sure you get back to your office on Sunday with a fresh mind and re-energized spirit. With the attitude-shift in mind, here’s how to make your Sundays a little more enjoyable:

1- Do what you love (or at the least like):

A job is not only about a high salary and great benefits. Do not look for a job that just satisfies you financially because if it’s not a job you love, chances are demotivation and the feeling of frustration will soon take over. It is frustration that leaves you with that feeling of dread, and not just about Sunday, but on every other day of the week as well.

2- Thursday Full-power, Activate!

Yes, we know it’s the last day of the week and you can’t wait to be out of the office. Avoid the trap of coming in late, taking a longer coffee break, slacking during the day and getting distracted just like everyone else in the workplace. It’s great enough that it’s Thursday, right? Instead of wasting your day putting all your attention on that clock waiting for it to tick 5 o’clock, focus on getting all of this week’s tasks done to alleviate your Sunday schedule from pending and deferred tasks. Sundays are always very busy; help yourself lighten them up by not procrastinating.

3- Plan ahead of time:

Before you rush out the door on Thursday evening, prepare Sunday’s to-do list organizing your tasks from most to least urgent. This will help you start your day more smoothly on Sunday. Managing your time and workload is essential for you to feel more at ease with the beginning of every week; a lot of people dread Sundays because of their encumbered schedule and their lack of control over their workload.

4- The weekend is yours:

When the weekend is here, remind yourself that you have earned it. When you leave the office on Thursday, leave work at work. Enjoy and make the most out of your weekend. Spend it with family or friends and do the activities you enjoy most. Weekends are BETTER because they have five days of hard work before them.

5- Weekdays are fun too:

It is true that nothing beats the weekend, but if you put too much emphasis on it and plan all your outings and activities on these days, chances are that you may find yourself drained to even take advantage of the weekend. If you want to feel happy and motivated, plan some of the activities on weekdays so that you have something to look forward to after work on a normal day. Who said you can’t have fun on a Tuesday? Take a mid-week break; this will definitely boost your energy!

6- Lunch breaks are there for a reason:

Take advantage of your lunch break, not only on Sunday but on every other day of the week. Your lunch break helps you relax and take a puff of fresh air; try to get out of the office for lunch or for a walk, you will come back refreshed and your day will feel shorter. And remember, a lot in life is about attitude and how you look at things. Good luck.

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/04/2016
  • Last updated: 21/08/2017
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/04/2016
  • Last updated: 21/08/2017