Hire More Quickly Using Bayt.com’s Social Recruiting Tools

Hire More Quickly Using Bayt.com’s Social Recruiting Tools

Finding the perfect candidate is always a challenging exercise. With millions of talented professionals out there (Bayt.com has nearly 17 million registered job seekers), there is a huge range of skills, experience and qualifications. How is it possible then to gauge a candidate’s personality simply through a CV? The answer is social recruiting, the latest trend amongst employers. Social recruiting debunks the myth that online hiring is impersonal. Going beyond the CV, social recruiting allows you to get a glimpse of a potential candidate’s personality. According to the Bayt.com Arab World Online 2014 survey (May 2014), almost 78% of professionals in the Arab World spend more than two hours on the internet every day, and over 40% use social media several times a day. Using social media for your hiring processes involves two major advantages. Firstly, you can increase your brand value while simultaneously increasing your pool of candidates.

Secondly, you can find out about a candidate in-depth through their social media accounts before making a hiring decision. In fact, 61% employers check the online profiles of new recruits before hiring them according to the Bayt.com ''Personal Branding in the Middle East and North Africa'' poll, September 2013. This is exactly why we created Bayt.com Specialties: to fulfill your social recruiting needs. Bayt.com Specialties provides an opportunity for job seekers to establish their presence as an expert in their field through community discussions. Here is how Bayt.com Specialties, in tandem with Bayt.com Public Profile and a Bayt.com Company Page, can give you a holistic social hiring experience:

1) Find the best quality candidates by viewing top-ranked specialists in your country

Bayt.com Specialties has a very extensive directory that covers all possible industries, with specialists in each category. Members of this community can follow each other and endorse one another for their skills. Contributions by each specialist are voted by the community, based on the quality of insight shared. This improves their overall rank making them a ''Top-Ranked Specialist'', which is displayed on the user’s public profile and CV for employers to see. This mechanism largely simplifies your short-listing process without compromising on the quality of your candidates.

2) Quickly get a better grasp of your candidates by looking at their social profile, discussions and activities.

Candidates claim to have relevant work experience, skills and knowledge. But is this really true? In order to save your precious time, it is imperative for you to shortlist correct people for interviews. If you’ve selected a candidate based on an impressive CV, you can re-affirm your selection by searching for them on Bayt.com Specialties. Have a look at their public profile, discussions, as well as questions they ask their peers. Through the tone/language they use, you can have a better idea about whether they''re compatible with your organization and job role.

3) Hire actively! Ask questions, join discussions, and invite relevant specialists to answer

As an employer, employee engagement is pivotal for your company’s success. With Bayt.com Specialties you’re able to engage with your employees before they’re even hired! You can find out if candidates are truly knowledgeable, or attract top-ranked specialists to your company by asking questions related to the job. You can even join discussions to incite meaningful debate, through which candidates can display their leadership qualities. If you like a particular specialist’s contributions, you can invite them to answer your questions.

Creating a Company Profile on Bayt.com is another way to interact with potential employees. Through this, you’re able to display stories about your company culture and give the latest news as well. Judging future candidates also becomes easier as you can check how actively they respond to your stories through their comments. With these features, you not only build your company’s brand as an attractive place to work, but are also able to make intelligent hiring decisions. These are just three ways you can hire socially on Bayt.com. What are you waiting for? Visit Bayt.com Specialties!

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/04/2016
  • Last updated: 21/08/2017
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/04/2016
  • Last updated: 21/08/2017