Boost Your Creativity at the Workplace

Boost Your Creativity at the Workplace

Dr. Robert Sternberg defines creativity as “The process of producing something that is both original and worthwhile.” in his book “Creativity: from Potential to Realization (2004)”. Against popular belief, creativity is not restricted to artists, musicians, writers and directors; it actually is a universal and fundamental human “skill” that should be nurtured on a daily basis at both the personal and professional level.

It is refreshing to know and perhaps surprising to many that creativity simply happens of its own accord! One does not necessarily need to attend professional trainings or undergo extensive tutorials on how to become creative: it simply occurs at a certain moment in time, provided it is allowed the right environment to flourish. It is a skill that defies all boundaries related to age, gender, social status, education or experience. Every working individual has the right and the ability to be creative once he/she commits him/herself to develop their individual creative abilities. Setting goals, seeking assistance where needed, maintaining a conducive environment and allotting a certain amount of time daily to develop individual creativity are all good measures to take to nurture this key trait.

Creativity lies in the right hemisphere of the brain along with feelings, emotions and senses, while logic, reason and numbers lie in the left hemisphere (which is the analytic side employees more typically tend to use at the workplace). Employees often seem to overlook the fact that the two hemispheres of the brain can be totally in sync and creativity can be boosted with just a bit of the right kind of stimulation, the kind that can make them superstars at their jobs.

Here are’s4 essential steps to develop solid creative skills:

  • Allocate time for being creative: Decide when you want to sit down and dedicate yourself to doodling your ideas (any ideas that come to mind) and just do it.
  • Chase away all negative vibes: Also delete any pessimistic self-defeating thoughts you may be harboring. Bear in mind there is no such thing as a bad idea. Believe in yourself. You can always develop solid, creative ideas then polish and refine them once you are in a positive laid-back and open frame of mind.
  • Brainstorm: Brainstorming helps you generate as many ideas as you can. Once that is done, you can then focus on refining and embellishing those ideas to come out with the best possible outcomes.
  • Share your ideas: Share them with your upper management, peers, friends or coworkers and DO ask for constructive feedback.

Still can’t seem to get creative at work? The right hemisphere of your brain is probably still taking a nap. Here are some tips from that you could use to stimulate it and get it up to speed in no time:

  • Remove all grids, charts and calendars from the wall facing you and put them aside (within reach of course). Replace those with comforting happy pictures (of loved ones, nature, etc…) that will put your mind and heart at ease and soothe the pressure your brain is unconsciously struggling with everyday.
  • Surround yourself with colors. It is a well recognized fact that the color orange for example stimulates creativity! Use it all around you!
  • Put your headphones on and listen to soothing music. This will stimulate the right hemisphere of your brain and put the left one to sleep.
  • When you note your brainstorming thoughts and ideas, do it with a pencil, not a pen; it’s easier on the eyes to look at, easier on the brain to perceive and easier to be amended.
  • Commit to creativity outside the workplace as well. This will reflect directly on your creativity at the workplace: paint, craft, grow trees. Seek peace of mind and creativity will hit you from all different angles, at work and outside of it.

Last but not least, keep in mind that creativity is a mind habit that can grow stronger with practice. It is not unattainable; it is not beyond your reach! Practice, nurture your creative skills and reap the results of your efforts!

“Creativity comes when you are relaxed, happy and enjoying the moment. And when it comes, it brings ideas that rock your world”, says Robin Sharma, one of the world’s most-sought-after leadership and personal success experts.

Relax, sit back and let your ideas flow!

Mohannad Aljawamis