Consolidated Contractors Company - Qatar

Construction & Building


500 Employees or more


Salaries at Consolidated Contractors Company - Qatar

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mep construction manager


planning manager


mep manager


construction manager


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Currently employed at this company: 523

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Consolidated Contractors Company - Qatar have the below job roles:

Engineering Safety Civil Engineering Administration Construction and Building Quality Control
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Mostafa Nayl

project engineer

Armen Abou Hamad

Project Construction Manager

Hatem Tahoun

Senior Project Engineer

Sadeq Ajaj

Senior Site Engineer

Ayman Mohammed Haleem

Architect Manager

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Learn about Consolidated Contractors Company - Qatar

About Consolidated Contractors Company - Qatar

The Consolidated Contractors Group, better known as CCC, is an international construction company with its headquarters in Athens, Greece. In five decades of operation, CCC has grown to become one of the leading contractors in the international construction field, with over 160,000 employees composed of more than 60 nationalities. CCC is operating principally in the Middle East, all the Gulf region, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, Central America, USA, CIS and South Asia. CCC provides Engineering, Project Management, Procurement and complete construction services for Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and industrial Plants and for Civil, Municipal works, Housing and High Quality Buildings. Industrial Plant construction including all Mechanical, civil Electrical & Instrumentation Works. Heavy Civil Construction for Power and Desalination Plants, Water and Sewage Treatment Plants, Airport, Bridges and Highway Interchanges, Harbors and Docks. EPC for Pipelines (Oil, Gas and Water). EPC for High Quality Buildings, Industrial Buildings and Infrastructure works and networks. Construction of Highways and Roads. All the above services are conducted in conformity with the highest Safety and Quality requirements (CCC was awarded Quality Certification by BVQU to IsO 9001 and ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001.