ali bin ali group

Management Consulting

Lebanon - Tripoli

500 Employees or more


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Currently employed at this company: 440

ali bin ali group hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of ali bin ali group's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Ain shams university
  • Osmania university
  • National university
  • Philippine christian university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • accounting
  • business administration
  • finance
  • commerce

Many of ali bin ali group’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at ali bin ali group have the below job roles:

Sales Marketing and PR Accounting and Auditing Logistics and Transportation Customer Service and Call Center Hospitality and Tourism
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Ali Abu Al Assal

Apple Service Centre Manager

wael al jaraki

Project Manager PMP - Mega projects

rajith pulinchery

Distribution Planner

Khader Abulail

Senior Programmer

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Learn about ali bin ali group

About ali bin ali group

education backrounds: in 1999:lebanese baccalaureate from dar attarbieh wattaalim high school. in2004:bachelor's degree in law ,from the lebanese university. in 2oo4:final writing exams for accreditation of notaries puplic. in 2oo5:writing exams for admission in the college of judicial studies. professional backrounds : 1995-1996:falcon international co . 1996-1997:saadi adib trading company. 2003-2005:membere of the development and mun icipality studies center . 2005-2007:future security company ,electronic &human guard security (manger of north brunch). N.B:corse of ISO(registered mangement systen ) Computer Application : Intensive courses In :windows office (word -excel -power point - acsses -internet). seminars: *about the touristic roll of tripoli . *studides and researches about the puplic and local administration . hobbies: reading+soccer professional from 1992 through 2004 in clubs :riada wal adab -al akhaa aley -al safaa. language: Arabic : mother language . English : normal reading + writing and speaking french:normal reading + writing and speaking .