Apparel Group - Kuwait

Retail & Wholesale


50-99 Employees


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retail store manager


sales associate


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Currently employed at this company: 176

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Employees Registered on

Ganesh Gopinathan

Operations Manager

Samir Dogra

Manager - Human Capital & Training

vijay Upadhyay

Human Capital Executive

norman virtucio

senior sales associate

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Learn about Apparel Group - Kuwait

About Apparel Group - Kuwait

With over 450 stores and more than 50 international brands to boast about and a race to the 1000th outlet till the year 2010, the Apparel Group, now one of the leading Fashion Retailers in this part of the world, had a rather modest start. Commencing its operation with just one brand in 1996, The Apparel Group was just rearing to gather momentum in the Retail industry. Setting a strong foothold in the Gulf, the Apparel Group has crossed the regional boundaries and embarked in the Global market. Today, the group stands tall with over 50 brands in its ever-increasing portfolio with brands originating from U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia & Far East. The drive is to bring together all the top Fashion brands from across the world under the Apparel Umbrella and to become the “Best Global Retailer”. Currently, the group has operations in UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, India, Poland, Singapore, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia. Additionally, clear strategies are in place to enter emerging markets such as, Czech Republic, Hungary, Pakistan, Egypt and Philippines. “Together..we can do better” is the motto which has contributed to the standing of the Group in the international arena. Investing in the employee is paramount and as per Apparels philosophy, its greatest assets are ITS PEOPLE. Its strength of 3500 retail savvy employees consisting of industry experts, professional sales staff, and consultants who continuously provide essential analysis on the functioning of the group. This is continuously bolstered with strong in-house training by the senior managers themselves, for its staff training and customer service. Setting the perfect example of organizational excellence, the Apparel Group is crossing all barriers and making new benchmarks in the retail industry.