
Retail & Wholesale

Egypt - Cairo

500 Employees or more


11K+ Followers

Employee Insights

Intelligence Generated by Bayt.com

Currently employed at this company: 426

Many of B.Tech's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Cairo university
  • Ain shams university
  • Helwan university
  • Alexandria university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • accounting
  • law
  • business administration
  • computer science

Many of B.Tech’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at B.Tech for this job role are:

Do you have these skills? Update your CV!

Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at B.Tech have the below job roles:

Accounting and Auditing Sales Marketing and PR Customer Service and Call Center Human Resources and Recruitment Purchasing and Procurement
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Haytham Tharwat

Strategic Marketing Manager

Mohamed El-Sayed Abdel Mawgud Mohamed

Products Planning & Inventory Control Manager

haitham mahmoud abdalla

Supply Chain Manager

Amal AbdAllah Ali Ali

A Freelance English Trainer, English Material Developer and Master Trainer

Mohammed Hussain Abd elsamea

مشرف مبيعات

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Learn about B.Tech

About B.Tech

B.TECH is the largest specialized retail chain in the field of home appliances and consumer electronics in Egypt and exclusive distributor of the most prestigious multinational brands like Ariston, Babyliss, Crafft, Miele, Braun, Indesit, and Apple (authorized reseller ). B.TECH also owns the local brand ULTRA. BTECH has 83 branches with 60000+ m2 of modern shopping space serving Egyptian consumer in 29 cities form marina in the northern coast and Hurghada on the red sea, to Sohag and Aswan in the south. B.TECH was established in 1997 with three retail branches: the Mokattam branch, the Orabi branch in Mohandiseen, and the Maadi Grand Mall branch. With 3800+ employees B.TECH stands as the largest specialized retail and trade network nationwide. In addition to the unparalleled chain of accessible, fully owned retail outlets, B.TECH offers its assistance to consumers in every governorate, city, and town in Egypt through a large network of dealers and service centers.


To be our stakeholders’ first choice in everything we do.


Introducing convenient and advanced solutions provided by professional competencies to accomplish unique satisfaction level, exceed needs & expectations of stakeholders, thus reach superior organizational distinction level.