Bankislami Pakistan Limited



100-499 Employees


Salaries at Bankislami Pakistan Limited

Company Salary Range

Monthly Salary Range

branch manager


branch manager


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 191

Bankislami Pakistan Limited hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Bankislami Pakistan Limited's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • University of karachi
  • Karachi university
  • Iqra university
  • Hamdard university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • finance
  • commerce
  • marketing
  • economics

Many of Bankislami Pakistan Limited’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at Bankislami Pakistan Limited for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Bankislami Pakistan Limited have the below job roles:

Accounting and Auditing Banking Marketing and PR Customer Service and Call Center Quality Control Finance and Investment
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Muhammad Sohail

Manager AML - Sanction Screening, Compliance Department

Faheem Uddin Skeikh

Finance Officer

Muhammad Ali Syed

Customer Service Manager

Shahzad Samad

Unit Head Marketing

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Learn about Bankislami Pakistan Limited

About Bankislami Pakistan Limited

BankIslami Pakistan Limited (“BankIslami”) is the first bank to receive Islamic Banking license under the new Islamic Banking policy of 2003. BankIslami offers full range of Shariah compliant commercial banking products and services including Liability products such as Current & Saving accounts, Term deposits and Asset products such as Car Ijarah, Diminshing Musharika based housing finance, Murabaha finance, Trade finance including Islamic Export Refinance as well as services which include Biometric ATM facility, Internet banking service etc. The Bank envisages to be the first Islamic Financial institution in Pakistan to focus on Wealth Management as its core area of business. Vision: The Vision of BankIslami is to be recognised as the leading authentic Islamic Bank. Mission: The Mission of BankIslami is to create value for our stakeholders by offering Authentic, Shariah Compliant and technologically advanced product and services. We differentiate ourselves through (i) authenticity (ii) innovation (iii) understanding our client's needs (iv) commitment to excellence, and (v) fast, efficient and seamless delivery of solution. As a growing institution, the foundation for our performance lies on our human capital and BankIlsmai remains committed to becoming an employer of choice, attracting, nurturing and developing talent in a transparent and performance driven culture. Core Values : BankIslami is strongly commited towards its core values of: > Product authencity > Customer focus > Meritocracy > Integrity > Team work > Humility > Innovation