

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

500 Employees or more

13K+ Followers

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chief accountant


key account manager


area sales manager


administration manager


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Currently employed at this company: 121

Many of brf's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • King abdulaziz university
  • King fahd university of petroleum and minerals
  • University of business and technology
  • Kakatiya university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • business administration
  • industrial engineering
  • accounting
  • industrial & system engineering

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at brf have the below job roles:

Support Services Human Resources and Recruitment Manufacturing Management Sales Logistics and Transportation
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Mohamed Bilal Syed

Business Development Specialist

Firas Mahfouz

Modern Trade and E-commerce Channel Manager

Ramy Salama

Assistant Finance Manager

Ahmed Hassanein

Chief Accountant

Ahmed AlFarra

Business Intelligence Analyst

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Learn about brf

About brf

BRF, ONE OF THE LARGEST FOOD COMPANY IN THE WORLD BRF was created from the merger between Perdigão and Sadia. The company was born as one of the largest global players in the food sector, operating in the meat segment (poultry, pork and beef), processed foods, milk, margarine, pasta, pizzas and frozen vegetables, with brands such as Sadia, Perdigão, Perdix, Batavo, Elegê, Qualy, among others, in the domestic and external markets. With net revenues of R$ 28.5 billion recorded in 2012, BRF is one of the world's largest exporters of poultry and stands out among the largest global food companies by market value. BRF is one of the largest private employers in Brazil, with about 110,000 employees. The company operates 50 factories in all regions of Brazil and has a solid distribution network through 33 distribution centers, taking its products to consumers in 98% of the national territory. Foreign sales accounted for 40.8% of net revenues in 2012. In foreign markets, BRF operates nine plants in Argentina and two in Europe (England and Holland), and 19 sales offices to serve more than 120 countries on the five continents.