Citi - United Arab Emirates

Financial Services

United Arab Emirates

500 Employees or more


Salaries at Citi - United Arab Emirates

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sales manager


senior officer


finance controller


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Currently employed at this company: 147

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Citi - United Arab Emirates have the below job roles:

Cleaning Services Hospitality and Tourism Mechanical Engineering Design, Creative, and Arts Accounting and Auditing Community Services
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Imran Shah Khan

Sales And Business Development Manager

Malik Dureed Rahim

Portfolio services executive

Mazen Nakouzi

Assistant Vice President- Wealth Management - Citi Private Client

Kareem Darwish

موظف بنك

Binisha Seethal

Senior relationship officer

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Learn about Citi - United Arab Emirates

About Citi - United Arab Emirates

Citibank has been present in the United Arab Emirates since 1964 when the bank opened its first branch in Dubai. Today, the bank is present in UAE's credit card market and is currently a leading provider of consumer credit services including personal and auto loans. The bank has been at the forefront of developing Internet-based delivery capabilities for both retail customers (Citibank Online) and corporate clients (CitiDirect) in the UAE, in addition to other B2B e-commerce initiatives that provide clients with full procurement solutions.