Clemenceau Medical Center

Medical Hospital


50-99 Employees


Salaries at Clemenceau Medical Center

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Currently employed at this company: 132

Clemenceau Medical Center hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Clemenceau Medical Center's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Lebanese university
  • American university of beirut
  • Beirut arab university
  • Lebanese international university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • nursing
  • banking and finance
  • pharmacy
  • business administration

Many of Clemenceau Medical Center’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at Clemenceau Medical Center for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Clemenceau Medical Center have the below job roles:

Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing Administration Marketing and PR Customer Service and Call Center Management Secretarial
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Marc Tayeh


Ibrahim Masoud

Applications Manager

Anshul Nanda

Finance Director

Nayef Hamzeh

IT Manager

Bishoy Philips

Assistant IT Manager

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Learn about Clemenceau Medical Center

About Clemenceau Medical Center

Some Words About Us Clemenceau Medical Center (CMC) is designed to offer patients the most innovative treatments and technologies available in the region, in a safe and compassionate environment. Our patients will be among the first to benefit from avant-garde treatments and technology since CMC is fully equipped with the most modern and advanced medical equipment, the first of its kind in the surrounding region. The hospital, with 158 operating beds, provides all the essential health services required through a person’s life time. Beyond the medical field, our patients enjoy first class-service, in a 5 star hotel ambiance with spacious furnished rooms, suites, and comfortable waiting areas...we provide the best environment to relax. Our patients have access to digital entertainment, including satellite TV and Internet access through modern LCD TV system. Clemenceau Medical Center includes ICU/CCU beds, NICU beds, where patients are monitored in private rooms with the most advanced technology, with a one on one nurse ratio. CMC has also dedicated a specific ward for patients undergoing ambulatory and day surgeries. Full emergency room services and urgent care are also provided at the hospital. Clemenceau Medical Center houses all the specialty branches and offers a completely film-less digital medical imaging environment, and has built and equipped the most modern 11 Operating Theaters in the world complemented by advanced laparoscopy and OR automation systems, which in turn, provide real-time video tele-conferencing from any Operating Theater with the main auditorium and the outside world. We at Clemenceau Medical Center, also ensure that our patients receive the friendliest and most attentive service. We recognize the importance of a sense of well-being in promoting recovery. We welcome visitors, who are an important part of the healing process, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week.